Epic of Bee

Chapter 251 Back Into This World

"Are you sure that there are only three?" I sent back questioningly, but Tigra only reconfirmed what she had just said.

This was not good. From what I knew, I would need to have all four to bring Rai Cait from that place outside of this reality.

I was almost positive that the place that I went was tied to where the gods were, but just in a different place. I had no idea how far that was, but I might have to try and get there to find him, but that still wouldn\'t bring him back to his body.

Tigra and Thanos were waiting for me, and both of them shrunk back down and then flew up to my shoulders. They settled in my neck fur against Hexi, who now seemed to be sleeping.

I floated forward into the large chamber but then suddenly dropped out of the air. I made my wings come out, turned, and then grabbed Sakura out of the air before she fell.

I looked into her burning eyes as we lowered down to the ground, and I could see the determination in them. Maybe I was apprehensive about this all for nothing, but that still didn\'t change the fact that we were down one Sage Sigil.

I let go of Sakura and turned to Helaina, who had just landed. I knew that she would catch herself, but the real question was, why did we have to?

,m "Do either of you know anything about this room and why my GraviBees stopped working?" I asked, looking between the girls.

"This will be an anti-magic field since I can\'t transform, and not even my Gem Heart Magic works in here. I am still alive, so it doesn\'t seem to be a Null Stone; those prevent magic, but they kill anyone and anything within one hundred feet. This means all life is erased," Sakura explained.

"I think that all temples probably have this in the main chamber, but I have never heard about them from my teachers. Still, it would make sense. This way, there are no chances of someone breaking in and resurrecting the god\'s body without them in it. I am sure that there is also a spell of some type to seal the tomb from the inside," Helaina explained, and I signed.

"Well, I am not," I started to say but stopped when Atom spoke up in my mind.

"Check the type of sage stone; you have one of them in the inventory. If it is a Mountains Path Sigil, then you are fine," Atom explained to me as I ran over to the large stone rectangular tomb in the center of the room where there was also a pedestal.

The rest of the cavern was empty, but it was vast, and I wondered why it was so big, but only for a moment. My eyes were drawn back to the pedestal that had three sigils on it and one open slot.

I activated my scanner, but I could see the same mountain-like markings on the three already.

[Mountains Path Sigil x3]

A compartment opened on the side of my hip, and I reached in and grabbed the sigil I had found so long ago. It was so long ago, but at the same time not; it had only been just over a month since that time.

I hoped that the girls were doing all right. I know Gamble will keep everyone safe, but Miku left with the other Shadow Walkers and Rixie.

I closed my eyes and then turned around, taking in a deep breath, then letting it out. I needed to get this done and over with because there was still the Tellarider to deal with and Trent.

"Can you both wait outside this cavern while I summon Rai Cait? I am not really sure what will happen, but I don\'t want to take any chances. This is my first time fully summoning a god back into this world with all his power, and I am still not sure if he is going to help me or not," I explained, and Helaina nodded and turned to go, but stopped when Sakura didn\'t move.

"Are you sure about this? It will probably be better to have me in here with you, then he should attack you," Sakura said, but I shook my head at her with a smile.

"I know that he is strong, but this won\'t be about who has more physical power. I have dealt with a few gods in my time, and I know the proper order of operations with them. I really just don\'t want you to have to hear this," I said, not overly excited about mincing puns with the robot Meccat God.

"I hope you do know what you\'re doing; he didn\'t become a god for nothing. The Meccat only followed the strongest, and he was never ever close to being defeated," Sakura said, almost pleading with me, but that just lit a fire under my ass.

Thoughts of some big robot cat taking Sakura, and then…

"No! I will be fine! I will make this quick, and then we can leave! Just go!" I said with a bit more force than I wanted to, and Sakura blushed of all things and then turned and ran.

She must have been able to read my mind, or she just knew that it would cross my mind. Helaina smiled apologetically and then turned to fly after Sakura, who was already out of the cave.

"Do you want us to leave as well?" Tigra asked me as she stood up on my shoulder, but I shook my head no.

"No, I want you all to prepare yourselves in case this doesn\'t go my way. This isn\'t a meeting with a god-like Healia or Pelleta, so I don\'t even know if the same rules will apply this time," I explained, and I also summoned my Mecha-Monstarpede, and Mecha-Giant-Snake.

I wasn\'t going to be taking any chances, and that was when Atom burst from my chest and then expanded in the air. He landed on the top of the sarcophagus and nodded his head to me.

Thanos and Tigra jumped off, but Hexi stayed at my neck, and I was okay with that; she was a surprise attack if I needed to.

Now everything was in place, and I looked down at the Mountains Path Sigil in my hand.

It was time to bring a God back into this world, the first Risen, but whose side was he actually on?

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