Thriller Paradise

Chapter 327: South Park (2)

Chapter 327: South Park (2)

Feng Bujue raced all the way down the mountain. After one minute of rushing, he finally stopped hearing the gunshots coming from behind him, so he deactivated Body Enhancement Spell. His Life Points then still had sixty-two percent, relatively safe. South Park was a typical American countryside small town; there were no skyscrapers, traffic jams, or horrible air. But as small as it was, it had everything it needed to function. A church, municipal office, post office, school, shopping mall—it had what it should have, and when Feng Bujue stepped into the town, the system announced, “Current quest completed. Main quest updated.”

The earlier quest was ticked, and a new quest appeared. “Search the town and be prepared for the ‘big tragedy’.”

“Hah... So I need to be prepared...” Feng Bujue scoffed. Honestly, he really didn’t know how to be prepared because the actual ‘tragedy’ was one that was hard to put into words, much less prepare for. “I guess I should go find some heavy weapons to defend myself...”

Feng Bujue thought about it and decided to rob the local gun store. There was only one gun store in South Park, and it was owned by Jimbo and Ned. They were friends who had been through the Vietnam War together. They were both single and ran the shop together. Normally, they would go up the mountain to go hunting and so on. They had even once hosted a hunting TV show before.

One might think they had even experienced the years of picking each other’s soap in the military, but that was likely not the case.

Feng Bujue used a normal and polite tone to ask a passerby for directions, and the other party gave him the directions. Five minutes later, Feng Bujue arrived at the shop. This was a single-story building, and it had brown brick walls. The roof was wider than the actual building itself. The building did not have windows from the front, and the middle of it was occupied by a glass double door. The doors were made from a metallic frame and blurred glass. Each pane was painted in white letters—JIMBO’S GUNS. The same name could be seen on the big signboard above the door. That had a black backdrop and yellow block lettering.

On the left of the door was an advertisement board. It had the same font style as the signboard. Under Jimbo’s Guns, it read, ‘sellable, buyable, tradeable and transportable’. The right side of the door had a wooden barrel and a large wheel that was common decoration in western flicks.

Feng Bujue saw the closed sign hanging behind the glass door. After trying the door that was locked, Brother Jue used the wrench to break the glass and reached in to open the door. The reason he did this was simple—he knew that neither Jimbo nor Ned was at the shop. If he did not know that for a fact, he would not have done this. Trespassing did not trigger any alarms, but this was within Feng Bujue’s expectations, which would be explained soon.

Brother Jue pushed the door open, and inside the store, on the wall next to the door, there was a rabbit’s head and a rabbit’s tail on the left and right respectively, the type where there was still blood splatter on them. Under the rabbit’s head, there was a yellow warning sign. The sign was painted with the picture of a black gun and had a sentence written on it in red.

“Ammo ain’t cheap, so we don’t waste them on warning shots.”

Under the rabbit’s tail, there was a white warning sign. It had a yellow smiley face and had a sentence written on it in black. “Please unload your guns and remove your hats, thank you!”

There were many cupboards around, stocked with various guns. Most of them were pistols, and there was skiing and hiking equipment on sale. Feng Bujue did not hold back. He grabbed a jacket with blue and green stripes from the wall and put it on. Walking to the counter, he could see inside the glass counter that reached his waist. There were three layers of pistols on display, and on the rack behind the counter, other than magazines of bullets, from top to bottom, there was a row of showcase-use machinery, including G3 Auto Rifle (unmodified), SPAS-12 Shotgun (unmodified), M40A3 Sniper Rifle, M733 Commando (attached with grenades), and the classic Colt M1873 revolver. The row of guns was placed right behind the counter at the right height. In other words, it was within hand’s reach of the cashier. Next to this row of guns, at the highest part of the wall, at the most conspicuous spots, there were two more warning signs.

The one on top was white and written in clear black and red. “Trespassers will be shot on sight.”

Underneath it was a black sign. It had a white pistol logo and had something written in white and red. “We are protected by the second commandment.”

Turning to look at the right of the counter, there was a window, and on the edge of the window was pinned a dead headless snake, and the body was still bleeding. Next to it was a dartboard on which a pair of rabbit’s ears were pinned.

Underneath the rabbit’s ears was another warning sign. This one was orange and had black and red letters. “Criminals! Can you run 850 feet per second? If not, you’d better have a bullet-resistant head.”

To the left of the counter, there was a map of America on the wall, but the map was not marked with names of location. Using green markers, it had circled out the areas where the law “America will never back down (places where it is legal to shoot and kill trespassers)” was in effect. There were four states that encouraged its citizens to fire their guns. There were nine states whose laws prohibited gunning down people, and all nine of these states were marked ‘x’ in red marker...

Next to the map was a side door. There was a sign on it that said, “Ned only”.

Next to the sign were two slogans: “We will not stoop to calling the cops” and “Beware of the owners.”

Many signs pointed to the danger of stealing from this store, and it made Feng Bujue nervous. Every five seconds, he turned to look at each entry point, just in case the two gun nuts came back and turned him into a beehive. Thankfully, that did not happen.

Even though, the characters at South Park would do some... irregular things—like eating with their *sshole and sh*tting with their mouth—generally, they were not that different from normal people combat-wise. So Jimbo and Ned wouldn’t return to the store so soon. Five minutes later, Feng Bujue had stuffed several heavy weapons into his inventory and a bunch of ammo and pistols into his outfits. Then he left the place just in case.

As he did not pick the extra forty percent EXP during the previous scenario, seeing the eighty percent extra reward for this scenario, Feng Bujue was tempted. He tossed the ‘use the summoning skill once and then be free to die’ plan out of his mind and started to treat the scenario seriously. Currently, Feng Bujue did not have the free time to summon Musashi Koganei because once that ‘tragedy’ happened, the threat of death was going to be everywhere. This was Brother Jue. He’d do it if it wasn’t difficult, but he’d prefer it if it was difficult. On the one hand, he’d complain about how difficult the game was, but at the same time, he’d enjoy himself clearing the game. That was how he was. His next stop was the hospital.

After getting enough weapons, the next thing he needed was resources, specifically medical resources. Even for whales who did not lack money, they would not just leave the resources available in the scenario and not use them, much less Feng Bujue. Before leaving Jimbo’s shop, Feng Bujue grabbed a map of the town from the racks near the door. He confirmed the location of the hospital and departed for it.

To not create unnecessary trouble, he did not consider stealing a car or taking a ride. After all, South Park did not have many taxis. He walked since the town wasn’t that big. The big guns were hidden inside his inventory, so from the outside, Feng Bujue looked normal. The streets of this small town were relatively sparse, and racing down the street would attract too much attention, so Feng Bujue only walked briskly. After walking for some time, he saw something out from the corner of his eyes.

He was passing by an electronics store. There were many televisions in the window display, and currently, all the television screens were broadcasting some big news.

There were a bunch of American soldiers fully armed and armored. They rushed out from military helicopters and tanks and were capturing Peruvian Flute Bands by force. The funny thing was, after the ‘people’ were taken away, the boxes, instruments, and CD the bands left by the street were recycled carefully by a group of soldiers in hazmat suits. It was as if the things used by these Peruvian Flute Bands were biohazard.

Feng Bujue leaned in closer to listen and he could hear the sound from the televisions.

“The government’s effort to neutralize the threat of the Peruvian Flute Band has entered day three. The bands at major cities all over the world have been quarantined, but there are still some who have escaped arrest. The Department of National Security requests...”

When the news reporter said that, there were images of the ‘arrest’ mixed into the news, and the captions on the screen read, ‘If you see any Peruvian Flute Bands, do not come into contact with them’, ‘Remember their location and report them to the authorities’, ‘Do not purchase their CDs under any circumstances’.

“The Peruvian Flute Bands have been brought under control and have been escorted to the quarantine center in Miami...”

At this point, Feng Bujue continued on his journey, grumbling, “It is now the afternoon of the third day... The tragedy will explode all over the world before sundown. I have to be fast...”

Ten minutes later, he followed the main street and arrived at the only hospital in South Park—Hell’s Pass Hospital.

“No matter how many times I see it, I can’t get over the name of the hospital...” Feng Bujue lifted his head to look at the hospital and then walked into it.

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