Phoenix Phire

Chapter 596 - Pinky Returns

The nursery\'s warmth and subtle fragrance washed over Nix when he exited the breach a few moments later. Tai\'Qui was sitting comfortably on the ground, weaving earth magic into head-sized mud pies. She offered him a welcoming smile and continued to work.

"Think I could get a few of those?" Nix sat cross-legged next to her, content to watch her work.

"Of course." Tai finished up the one she was working on before setting it aside and scooting closer.

"Do you have the artifact with you?" Tai couldn\'t sense the presence of the Draconis Khalamzur Operandi, but that didn\'t mean much, considering that there were countless ways to mask such things.

Nix shook his head. He wasn\'t sure what the artifacts\' limits were, but having it in their hands was definitely better than letting Khione use it. He stored it at the Turtle House for safekeeping. "It\'s stored in my personal chest at the house. Do you wish to see it?"

Tai considered the question for a long moment. She did want to see the artifact and possibly commune with those who came before, but that wasn\'t her objective. "Please keep it safe, Nix. Although it can create Elemental dead zones, it has other more important functions."

Nix waited for her to elaborate, but when she didn\'t, he changed the topic. "What\'s the status of the Scorched Earth Acolytes?"

"Several of them were already at the Nemesis level before I started working with them; Sori Dah is especially talented."

Nix tried not to shudder at the mention of the Lamia. Although she managed to suppress the hissing in her speech, she was too snake-like for him to feel comfortable. His aversion to the reptile seemed to be fading, perhaps caused by his own basilisk form. "Thank you for your work."

Tai shrugged slightly and gestured toward the pile of mudpies she\'d been building. "Take as many as you like. I\'m going to try and make something stronger for the planar bosses, but the success rate is very low so that I might fail."


The wolf approached the small glade with an easy lope that was much faster than it looked. An open gazebo had been built beside the home of the Inferno Guild Leader. It was made entirely of wood with a shingled roof that protected the area from the elements. Three winged statues were set in a triangle facing outward. A large black bear cub sat in front of one of the statues, talking to it like you would a close friend. Every once in a while, his loud rumbling laugh would shake the structure.

The wolf padded to a silent stop before morphing into the form of a human girl. The girl was quite thin, with a cute face that was covered in freckles. Her short red hair and leather clothing often caused others to mistake her for a young boy, an occurrence that happened often enough that she was no longer bothered by it. "Am I bothering you, Morti?"

Morti\'s large head moved from side to side. "Nope. I was just telling Pinky about my Bear Flop."

"I see. I\'ll work around you." Over the next half hour, Ginger swept out the gazebo and painstakingly cleaned each statue before picking flowers from the nearby field and placing them by the feet of the angels. "Thank you for saving my brothers. We Trams will never forget."

Morti hadn\'t spoken in several minutes; his dark eyes stared at the angelic statue. The Titan cub rumbled deep in his chest; a sound that would have sent any sane person running. As if locked in a contest of wills, the cave bear refused to look away.

[Mortimer has strengthened Sajana\'s Will]

Ginger Tram finished her work and was about to resume her day when she felt a sudden gathering of power. Her eyes widened slightly when they focused on Sajana, the healer known as Pinky.

Sajana has resisted Petrification.

The petite woman dropped to her knees, groaning as her wings faded away. Large bits of rock and mortar flaked off her skin; her small hands clutched tightly at the pink hair on her head.

/Inferno: Sajana: Cripes... My head is killing me.

/Inferno: Sila: Pinky?

/Inferno: Semmi: YES!! Don\'t move! I\'m on my way.

Pinky stretched her arms overhead, glancing at the two statues remaining. "I\'m the first?" She turned just as a thin pair of arms wrapped around her waist and hugged her tight. The healer stroked the girl\'s red hair, pausing when she saw Mortimer. "Morti? What have you been eating these last few months? You\'re huge."

"Fish mostly... sometimes honey." Morti\'s big tongue hung out of his mouth as he tried to remember anything else he may have consumed. "I really missed you."

Pinky grinned and dragged the crying Tram closer to the bear so she could lean against him. "Goodness... You look so strong, Morti."

The sudden burst speech in guild chat caused Nix to stop talking; one of their sorely missed clerics had returned. It was a huge boost. Between Pon, Semmi, and Nix, they had managed to set up regular meetings in Virtuna to keep the three healers updated on the latest Inferno news. "Appears my math is faulty; I wasn\'t expecting them for another month."

Tai smiled pleasantly; she was well aware of the importance the clerics held within Inferno. "Hopefully, the other two will revive soon."

/Inferno: Nix: Welcome back, Pinky. Take a few days to look around. As you know, a lot has changed.

/Inferno: Sajana: Thanks, boss. I\'ve had enough time off. I\'ll be ready first thing in the morning.

"Don\'t worry about the artifact. I\'ll keep it stored at the Turtle House for now." Nix stood up and waited until Tai finished her mudpie. "Can you open a breach for me?"

"Back to the ranch?" Tai reclaimed her feet and wrapped the Inferno Leader up in a hug.

"Yes." Nix felt the urge to pat the Earth Dragon\'s head, but he refrained. Because of her personality, it was easy to forget her bloodline. "Are you going to refine your flames?"

Tai opened a breach with a small hand gesture. "Deidre and Fajii are refining at the moment. I will go when they return."

A short while later, Nix listened quietly to Hyai and Shae as they prepared dinner. Shae\'s culinary skills were steadily improving under the tutelage of the Innkeeper. He found the conversation somewhat comical as the salamander continued to try and add ghost peppers to the pot Hyai was heating.

Shae hid a smile behind her hand as she snacked on the nearly unpalatable peppers. "You\'re a fire elemental. Isn\'t everything better when it\'s hot?"

Hyai shook her head, keeping a watchful eye on the salamander while she poured the braised meat into a large pie crust. "Rico is eating with us."

Shae frowned in defeat and scarfed down her handful of peppers. "Let\'s give him a fire seed."

Nix didn\'t bother to comment since he knew that Vooni would disapprove of anything that put his father at risk. The dragon descendant spent a substantial amount of her free time with Rico. She liked the fact that he was content as a lifestyle player. "Next time, make two pies..."

Shae nodded in agreement and waited while Hyai placed the meat pie in the oven. Gently she placed a hand on the pregnant woman\'s swelling abdomen. "I can\'t wait to meet him. Have you decided on a name?"

Nix shook his head while Hyai nodded.

"Nicholas," Hyai stated calmly as if the decision was written in stone.

"Crappy name... How about the Destroyer? If your set on naming him after me, let\'s go with Pon the Magnificent."

The two redheads shared a glance before deciding it was best to ignore the Inferno Leader. Unphased, Nix moved to the living room couch and removed the Rat King puppet from his inventory. "How long till Supper?"

"An hour," Hyai frowned when the Rat stood up on the coffee table in front of Nix. It looked more like a common rat than his other puppets had. "Is this one low level?"

The rat shook his head and opened up a hud, an action that the two women immediately noticed. "This is the Rat King. Back in a bit." Rat King pressed the dragon icon and chittered his teeth softly while perusing the list of Dragon Cities... "Guess I\'ll check out the Tembai Academy." The Rat waved at the other occupants and vanished from sight.

Hyai sighed heavily and took a seat at the kitchen island. "I hope he doesn\'t get into trouble."

Shae shrugged slightly and pointed to the reclining Nix. "I don\'t think we have to worry since he\'s still here. How much trouble can a puppet get into?"

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