Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 137



As the two Saviors had approached the altar, the eyes of that concerned guardian placed cautiously upon them, Ash had fallen unconscious. The guardian had startled, and just as Kaori was about to offer some sort of explanation, the same happened to her. 

Kaori then awoke in a pitch-black room, her arms covered in black ink.

A few words appeared above her. 

Updated Trait: Quick Learner

Old Description: Proficiency, attunement, and attribute EXP increased by 300%

New Description: Proficiency, attunement, and attribute EXP increased by 400%

This room she knew belonged to her goddess. This fact was proven correct when suddenly, the cold feeling hugging her skin faded and the room turned a blinding white. Lumina then, slowly, appeared in front of her, manifesting into her glorious form. 

The sight was inspiring to see. So much so that Kaori didn\'t pay attention to the way the black ink stretched from her arms and moved to cover the rest of her body. Lumina walked up to her and with a touch, just a soft caress of Kaori\'s cheek, the ink stopped and quickly receded, disappearing. 

A few seconds passed where all Kaori could do was look up at her. The goddess she worshiped, the one she adored. She stood in front of Kaori with a kind smile, but that expression became concerned when Kaori looked away. 

"Savior..." Lumina whispered. "I see that your duties weigh heavily on you. More than I had believed them to, initially." 

Hearing that made Kaori\'s heart go cold. She took it to mean that Lumina was beginning to change her mind as to whether or not she was worthy of this title. 

I\'m doing okay... 

Kaori tried to tell her in her mind. 

Lumina laughed. Not a callous, mean-spirited sound, but simply a subtle denial of what Kaori said. 

"If you\'re going to claim that, at least do so while looking into my eyes," Lumina told her. 

Kaori instinctively went to do so, but when she tried, her eyes quickly went back down. The instant she had made eye contact, she felt like she was undeserving of it. 

"See?" Lumina said and Kaori choked up, but the goddess quickly went to give her a warm hug. Kaori was tense at first, but the goddess\'s presence was overwhelming. She quickly let herself melt into it. 

"There is no shame in feeling the effects of such a perilous journey," Lumina said to her. "The horror, guilt, fear, and reluctance that swirl in your heart right now is all part of what makes you human. You should not feel sorry for the mere presence of these in your mind." 

I... I can\'t deal with these things though...  Kaori thought.  I\'m a hero, aren\'t I? I have to be better than that.

"Heroes aren\'t allowed to feel scared?" Lumina asked as if she was talking to a child. "Is that what you believe?" 

... I guess.

Lumina sighed. 

"A hero is only a hero because of what they do, Kaori. Not what they feel," she stated. 

Abruptly, the room changed. In the blink of an eye, the two of them were standing in a grassy field with lilies blooming around them. A table was set up just behind Lumina, which she led Kaori to. Here, they sat down. On it was some clear liquid that Lumina served to Kaori with a pitcher and a glass cup. 

"I, as a goddess of peace," Lumina started, taking a sip, "can grant you peace of mind and enough resolve to continue. And, I will do so. Especially now that the Sites of Power are activated, I have that capability. However..." she continued, a slightly sad expression on her face. "I believe this would only be a temporary measure. I do not have enough power to permanently change your mind, nor would I ever wish to do that. I wouldn\'t want to take away from who you are, even if it would benefit me. I simply cannot allow myself to do so," Lumina expressed.

Kaori listened intently. She wanted to be rid of this, the nightmares, the way her body shivered at the mere mention of demons.

"At some point, the same fear that nearly consumed you when you came here would return." 

Hearing that, Kaori looked down at the cup in front of her. She drank from it and found its taste to be perfectly sweet.

So... What do I do? She asked in her mind.

"The only thing you can do," Lumina stated. "You need to speak to your friends. Your family. Your second family, if you will. It is only with their help that you will be able to pull yourself out of this hole you\'ve found yourself in."

Kaori listened to that and tried to picture it. She tried to imagine herself going up to Ash or Keiko and letting them know what she was feeling. All she could think was that they\'d scorn her. Turn their backs on the coward she was.

"Hmph," Lumina scoffed and Kaori looked up. "You should give your friends more credit than that." 


"I can read your thoughts in this place," Lumina reminded her. "If you genuinely believe your friends would act that way, then perhaps you don\'t know them as well as you think you do." 

Above Lumina\'s head, their images appeared. Ash and Keiko, still shots of them looking back at Kaori. 

"You believe Keiko, who has had to deal with the expectations of greatness since her very birth, and lived for 18 years knowing that if she never unlocked her Spirit Eye, she would end up as little more than a servant, doesn\'t know fear?" Lumina asked. "You believe Ash, who has had to fight the demon army more ferociously than anyone, on behalf of people she does not care for, doesn\'t know fear?" 

When put that way, Kaori felt ashamed. 

"If you go to them, they will help you. Not just them, but all who love and appreciate you. So," she smiled, "try it. If it fails, come back here and feel free to vent as many of those tears you keep holding back as you can. I will be here for you, should everyone else fail." 

Hearing those words come from the goddess, Kaori was stunned. She nodded, and Lumina set her cup aside. 

"Now, finally. Before you go, here. Your gift, as a reward for re-activating all three Sites of Power." 

Words appeared above Kaori.

New Spell Gained

Champion of Lumina

For one minute, become a representation of Lumina. (This ability can only be activated once per day)

Mana Cost: 0

Incantation: None. Ability is activated by way of thought. 

Um... What does that do?  Kaori asked. 

"Try it," Lumina instructed. "Activate the ability and you will see." 

Uh, okay.  The blonde agreed and, with a thought, her body was encased in a golden light. 

The effect was immediate. Kaori felt a peace that she had never felt before. It was a certain complete and utter stillness of the mind, all of her negative thoughts, her concerns, worries, and other such things were cast out. In their place, all that remained was adoration. Adoration for what was around her, the field she and the goddess were in, and Lumina herself. 

She felt compelled to go over to Lumina, to hug her and bask in this sensation. Lumina laughed. 

"How does it feel?" 


Kaori took a deep breath.  I feel lighter. It\'s like everything that\'s been on my mind just faded. 

"Steel yourself," Lumina said, "because once the ability runs out, those things will return." 

But... Is this it?  Kaori asked.  Is this just a mental power or can I do anything? 

"Of course, allow me to explain," Lumina said. "I am the goddess of peace, love, and empathy. Peace is the one that matters for the purposes of this power. See, if you can make an enemy feel at peace, they will not resist as you thrust your blade into their necks. I believe there is something similar to this effect in the Illusion category, so perhaps you can ask Kasumi about it. It\'s called  Pacify,  if I\'m not mistaken." 

I\'m having trouble imagining it.  Kaori said. Then, the form faded, and Kaori\'s heart went back to being just as heavy as it was before. 

"Speak to her, and keep in mind that this effect would be that, but tenfold. I believe she will clarify." 

With that, Lumina smiled. 

"I believe that is all," Lumina stated. Kaori smiled as well. 

Thank you. 

"No problem," Lumina told her. "I... It is in my nature and yet it seems childish to me, but I have grown quite attached to you. Our experiences..." She glanced at Kaori\'s missing arm and then at her own, the one the goddess had given up to buff Kaori before the battle for Pearl. "Have been similar in more ways than you could imagine. So, should you seek my aid, I will always give it. You need only visit one of these Sites and we\'ll... What do you call it, \'hang out\'? How does that sound?" 

I\'d love that. 


Kaori woke up with Keiko looking down at her, concerned. Ash was already up, scowling and sighing behind Keiko, where the rest of the group was. The Zayama\'s clear, beautiful eyes were set on her, worried. 

Kaori sat up and felt that she had tears in her eyes. 

"Is it done?" Satsuhiro asked. 

"Mhm," Ash replied. Kaori, however simply took a deep breath. 

Keiko put her hands on her shoulders. Kaori looked up at her. 

"Kaori?" Keiko asked. "Are you okay?" 

Remembering what Lumina said, she smiled. She slowly gave Keiko a soft kiss and nodded. 

"Yeah, yeah. I just need a sec." 

And then, Kaori stood up. 

Just tell them,  Kaori thought.  They\'ll... They\'ll get it. But, later though. 

Kaori resolved to do so, her eyes still affectionately cast on Keiko. 

For now... We\'ve got Savior stuff to do, still. 

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