Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 15


Coming back to Jade was a surreal experience. It had only been a couple of days for the half-demon as she began her stint as a Savior, but just that had been long enough for her to come back, see the stone streets and tall buildings with their gold and white decorations, and almost feel like she\'d just woken up from a dream.

"I own a house in the Spirit Gardens District," Satsuhiro said casually. Seriously!? Ash thought. "We can just stay there till this whole Varcon business is over," Satsuhiro stated.

"Ah! It\'s been so long since we\'ve spent time there!" His wife said. Their daughter gazed with wonder at everything around them. Ash couldn\'t remember ever looking at the city like that. "Oh! There was this little garden at the back, you\'re gonna love it!" She told Ash and Keiko.

"We\'re here for work, Metsumi. Besides, I don\'t really miss it." Satsuhiro admitted. "The entire city\'s always felt cramped to me."

Ash couldn\'t disagree more. Walking through the city with nowhere to go always felt like the exact opposite. As if she could walk her whole life and she\'d never find the city\'s limits.

As she looked around, she felt like something had changed. Normally, everyone just went about their way, but today, they all had smiles on their faces. Every word that slipped into Ash\'s ears sounded excited and hopeful. It almost creeped Ash out.

They\'d left the horses outside, in stables. As they walked, Ash watched as the citizens amassed nearby. A small crowd was forming up in the distance.

Is there a fight happening or something? Ash asked herself. As she looked at each person individually, she found someone she recognized. Oh, so he\'s right there. It was Varcon. However, beside him was someone else that she\'d never seen.

She was wearing something so bright that Ash could barely see her due to the sun reflecting off of it and attempting to blind her. However, eventually, as her eyes adjusted, she saw what looked like a young blonde smiling at the approaching audience members while Varcon-

"Hey." Satsuhiro tapped her shoulder. "We could go up to Varcon right now and see what\'s up, or we could settle in first and deal with him later. I\'m pretty sure he\'s got followers telling him we\'ve arrived already, if we don\'t wanna talk to him yet, he\'ll probably just find us later."

"Gotcha." Ash nodded.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Well," Ash started to reply, "being on a horse for the past couple of hours has pretty much left my ass and my cooch on fire. So, I\'d like to go lie down for a while."

"... I could do without the details." Satsuhiro shook his head. Ash shrugged. "Anyway, let\'s go."

Going to the Spirit Gardens District with Keiko and the others was another very surreal experience. She\'d remarked in the past that whenever she came here, everyone else always had so much more meaning than her, but here she was now a Savior, arguably one of the most important people in Jade.

That still hadn\'t sunk in, really.

Satsuhiro led them to his house.

"Well, I lied," Satsuhiro said as he pointed to the building in front of them. "It\'s kind of your house too."

"Huh?" Ash raised a brow.

"Hm, how do I put this? I guess you could call this like a \'Savior base\'. If you\'re a Savior, you\'re allowed to come here and just spend some time. It\'s just, well, I\'m the only one who\'s really used this in a long while. I genuinely forgot it wasn\'t wholly mine."

"Why?" Ash asked.

"Most Saviors are too busy fighting. There are a few like me who are reti-, well, trying to retire, but most of them are still out there. And Jade, although it\'s central to Nova, it\'s also probably the farthest place from any real danger right now."

"Wow." Ash looked up. "So, technically, I own a house?"

"Kind of." Satsuhiro nodded. "There are other things like this, that I should tell you about. Little Savior privileges. Right now though, let\'s just make ourselves at home."

The inside of the building delivered on the coziness that the outside promised. There was a thin layer of dust over everything, sure, but there was expensive-looking furniture, the floor was carpeted, and there were stairs in the back leading to a second floor.

"Great," Keiko muttered and Ash looked back at her. "Another place to memorize."

Ash sighed. She\'s got it rough.

Before anyone could settle, there was a knock at the door. Satsuhiro walked over and opened it to reveal Varcon.

Instantly, Ash knew something was off. The man was smiling. It was one of the creepiest things she\'d seen in a while.

"Welcome back to Jade!" He said. Well, Ash thought, crossing her arms. He sounds pretty fucking happy about something.

"Greetings," Satsuhiro said.

Ash had thought that he sounded like he barely tolerated her presence when he talked to her. This was an amplified version of that. She\'d never heard the word "greetings" said with such displeasure. I guess he doesn\'t like the church much either?

"I hope your time has been good."

"What do you want?" Satsuhiro curtly asked.

"Oh? Come on, Satsu. That\'s no way to treat an old friend!"

"Friend? Where? All I see is an old man who doesn\'t seem to know the meaning of the word \'retired\'. Now, what is it? You had a mission for her, right?"

"So, hybrid, now he speaks for you?" Varcon addressed Ash.

"If it means less time spent talking to you, I\'ll take it," Ash mumbled. "So, what is it?"

"Ah. No fun." Varcon grinned and Ash visibly cringed. "There is a mission for you. You will perform it tomorrow. Since I know you\'ll be staying here, I\'ll come by with a carriage to pick you up in the morning."

Then, Ash saw her stats pop up above her head.

Level 3

MP: 10/10


"I was just checking your progress," Varcon stated. "Seeing how my Savior is doing, of course. Level 3? Well, I suppose for someone of your nature, it might be called overachieving." He laughed and turned around. Ash gritted her teeth. "I will see you tomorrow then. Goodbye."

The door closed behind him and they were all alone.

"I can\'t say I like this." Satsuhiro put his hands on his hips.

"What makes you say that? The part where he grinned like he\'s got a trap laid out for me or the part where he said literally nothing about what I\'d be doing, you know, like he\'s got a trap laid out for me." Ash sighed. "So, I can\'t run away?"

"Treason," Satsuhiro confirmed. "I can\'t think of many things he\'d need you here, in Jade specifically, in order to do. Why would he bring you back to the city?"

"So, let me just ask," Ash said, "he can\'t just fucking kill me, right? Like if he tries to have my head chopped off, people would have a problem with that?"

"Yes. He is a powerful man, but he isn\'t above the law. At least, not yet."

"What?" Ash asked.

"The fight against the demons gets harder with every year that passes. And, as time goes on, more and more people look to the church for guidance. Eventually, the leaders of the church may prove to be the most powerful people in Nova. That time is not now though." Satsuhiro paced around the room. "I think you should get some rest. You could train up a bit too, but mostly I think you need your mind clear. Tomorrow\'s looking like a headache in the making."

"Yeah," Ash shook her head. "Seems like it."

"Excuse me," Keiko suddenly said and they both turned toward her. "Satsuhiro?"

"Yes?" The retired Savior asked.

"We\'re in the Spirit Gardens District, right?" She asked.


"Could you lead me to a bench? I\'d like to sit down outside for a while. Get some air."

"Huh. Alright, sure."



"Wow! You look so cool!" A friend of Kaori\'s told her.

"Hehe, I know right!" Kaori replied. Another friend put a hand on her armor.

"It feels weird."

"It\'s made of divine steel or something," Kaori replied.

"Wow. So, have you done anything yet?"

"Uh, no." Kaori shook her head.

What Varcon had told her ran by her head. She and Varcon had spent all morning basically announcing to the city of Jade that she\'d be fighting soon. All they were waiting for was for the hybrid to show up. Since she seemingly refused to do so, Kaori had a little time to herself. She had walked over to her old school and let her friends see the new her.

Mainly, she\'d hoped this would take her mind off of what she\'d be doing soon. It didn\'t. Even now, with her friends fawning over how good she looked in this golden armor, all she could think of was the fight that she\'d be having soon. She wondered what the hybrid looked like. She\'d seen a few, from a distance, but she\'d never really met one.

By the time Kaori\'s friends had finished showering her with praise, Kaori was still concerned. So, she started walking around Jade, aimlessly.

She walked past the old inn where she worked, through some narrow streets, and then she stopped.

Oh, right! She smiled. The Spirit Gardens District!

It was commonly known as a great place for meditation. Mages and the like would often frequent it when they needed to calm their nerves after long periods of study. So, Kaori started heading in that direction.



The blindfolded girl was taken to a small clearing just a bit of distance away from the house. Satsuhiro had told her how to come back in, she committed it to memory and he left her alone. She needed some by her lonesome.

Aside from everything that was happening with Ash, there was also still the matter of her Spirit Eye. She needed to awaken it at some point. She couldn\'t just allow herself to forget about the ability and put all of her time into helping Ash, though she had no intentions of doing a bad job with the hybrid.

But, how? She wondered.

As much as she\'d tried it, she understood that there was something missing. She met all the System requirements, so she wondered what wasn\'t clicking.

Someone else sat down next to her. Keiko didn\'t do or say anything. It was a public space, they were allowed. Whoever they were.

"Oh. Excuse me, are you a Zayama?" The girl suddenly asked. Keiko turned towards where she heard the voice coming from.

"Uh, yes." She nodded.

"Nice! I knew someone who was part of your clan. Your family is pretty interesting."

"Are they?" Keiko asked with a smile. "I suppose from the outside we must look a little ridiculous. You know, with the old architecture and all that. Not to mention..." she gestured to her blindfold.

"Nah, I didn\'t mean it like that." The girl replied. "I think the old buildings are honestly pretty cool."

"Spend a day in one, you\'ll be coughing every three seconds from the dust," Keiko told her.

"Well, you also have some pretty sick swords!" The girl replied.

"I... Yes. You\'re right about that." Keiko chuckled.

She appreciated this. It was nice to have what seemed like a normal conversation after spending those few days at Satsuhiro\'s farm. She almost feared she\'d never experience this again, as dramatic as she knew that was. Plus, whoever this girl was sounded bright. Precisely the kind of cheerful that you couldn\'t help but absorb some energy from.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself," Keiko stated. She bowed and said, "I\'m Keiko."

"No, no. I should have done that first. I started this after all." She heard the girl let out a cute giggle. "My name\'s Kaori."

"It\'s nice to meet you," Keiko replied. "So, whatcha up to? If you don\'t mind me asking."

"Just... relaxing," Keiko answered softly. "I needed a moment."

"... Yeah, same," Kaori replied.

Keiko had a good feeling about this. She couldn\'t explain it, but it was there.

"Care to tell a stranger your problems?" Keiko asked. "You never know, I might be some great philosopher in hiding."

"Heh, I guess we\'ll see," Kaori replied. "Well, see, I... How do I explain this... I have this job. And, well, I have to do something but, I don\'t know, I feel like I don\'t have it in me to do it." Kaori replied. "I know I\'m not painting a very good picture here, but it\'s complicated."

"No, no. I understand." Keiko replied. "That\'s basically where I\'m at." She admitted.


"Mhm." Keiko sighed. "Well, it\'s not just my job, but that\'s definitely part of it."

"Oh well, I guess at the end of the day we have to do it though, right?" Kaori asked.

"Yes. I... I do intend to do it, but I just, well, I\'m just... it\'s got me feeling a lot of ways that I hadn\'t expected."


"That\'s what I\'m trying to figure out," Keiko said.

"Well, I hope I got to take your mind off it a little. Sounds like it\'s been stressing you out."

"Yeah... b-but, I don\'t want to bore you with my issues, uh, what about you?" She asked. "What\'s up?"

"... I just feel like I\'ve had a lot of responsibility thrown onto me all at once. I think I can handle it, I want to believe that I can handle it, but I don\'t know."

"Oh." Keiko nodded with understanding. "I think, I mean, as vague as this sounds, maybe take things slowly?"

"Yeah. If I get the choice." Kaori muttered.

Keiko looked away.

After that exchange, there was a moment of silence. They\'d been talking for a little while now, and the other girl stood up.

"That was cool!" Kaori said. "I\'m glad I got to meet you. It felt nice getting a bit off my chest like that."

"Same," Keiko replied.

"Well, I hope I\'ll see you again."

"Maybe," Keiko told her. "I\'m only just visiting Jade. I\'ll likely be leaving tomorrow."

"Oh. Uh, I don\'t know if this is pushing it, but would you mind if I came around before you did? Back here, I mean. You seem pretty cool. I\'d hate to just have this be a one-time thing."

"Um... No, I wouldn\'t mind." Keiko replied.

"Awesome. Well, see you around then."


With that, the other girl walked away, and Keiko breathed in.

I needed that. Keiko thought.



Luckily, this house had a few different bedrooms, probably anticipating that multiple Saviors would be staying here at once, so, that night Keiko slept in a separate room.

Ash spent a bit of time alone, swinging Lust around the room, in sword form, to practice her techniques. Momentum blocks, parries, hard blocks. She tried to recall what Keiko had shown her.

So, since he checked my level, there\'s definitely going to be a fight. Ash closed her eyes. What the fuck is that guy planning? And who was that girl I saw next to him out there?

She shook her head and breathed in.

Whatever. I guess I\'ll find out soon.



That night, under two bright moons the archpriest spent most of his time pacing around the empty church. Tomorrow, that damned demon will learn how insignificant she is. Varcon smiled. Magia smiles upon me.

Then, someone walked in. Varcon turned around, knowing who it was.

"Ah, Kaori. Hello. Is the night treating you well?"

He walked up to her, his eyes roaming her body. The girl was truly stunning, a fact Varcon appreciated as his eyes passed over her chest and hips. She may as well be Magia herself. Fitting, of course, as she was sent for my sake.

"Yes." The Savior quickly replied. "You needed me?"

"Mhm. I just wanted to make sure you would be ready for tomorrow\'s big event." He gestured at a pew. Kaori nodded and walked up, sitting down near him.

Then, Varcon went to grab two cups of water he\'d kept nearby. One of them was normal, the other though contained a few drops of the Red Tear which he had placed in it earlier. The drops dissolved and right now, the liquid looked as normal as any other cup of water.

He stepped over to her and handed her the cup.

I apologize, Kaori. He thought. But your kind heart could be a weakness tomorrow. I need a fighter, not a pacifist.

"Oh, thank you." Kaori quickly took the cup and took a sip. Varcon grinned.

"Well, let\'s just relax for a little while. You\'ve got a big day ahead of you."



At around 10am the next day, a couple of priests came to the house and told the group that Ash was to come to the Public Square.

As they went, something became clearer with every street they traveled. There must have been some sort of an event because all of the citizens were missing. But, as the Public Square got closer, they heard noises coming from up ahead. Once they arrived, they found that a crowd of people was circling the same stage from before, but with two clear distinctions. First of all, this crowd was bigger. Second, Varcon was standing far away from it, his priests flanking him.

"Ah," he raised his arms and called out. "Our other guest arrives!" The crowd turned and looked at Ash. She\'d never seen so many glares aimed at her at once.

What\'s going on?

"And now," Varcon announced, "Magia\'s great exhibition begins! Today, we see which Savior Magia has truly chosen!"

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