My Pet Is a Holy Maiden

Chapter 99

Looking down from a slightly elevated hill, in between the small cracks between the forests in the expanse of a field, I could see numerous private houses .

「So that’s... the Ragine Village... 」

「Yes, that’s... My birthplace... 」

While riding a Parou, I gaze down at Tatsumi and Carusedonia .

While Tatsumi glances next to him at his wife and asks about Carusedonia’s situation, her facial expression was mixed .

I felt nostalgia, but also slight fear . Other than that, her intentions had a lot of feelings mixed up in them .

「... It hasn’t changed at all . It’s just as I remember it... 」

To put it in a number of years since I was little and saw this town was about 5 years ago, before bringing the priest along on a trip was the last time I had seen this scenery .

Which, was looking down from this hill on the figure of (Her? My?) hometown .

It seems that it really hasn’t changed too much, thinking back to the scenery I had seen back then and the scenery I now see, even if there are seasonal differences .

「I guess there’s no helping you looking like this all day . Let’s go, Caruse . 」

「Of course, sir . 」

While their smiles meet each other, Tatsumi and Carusedonia come down the highway .

Looking a bit further ahead, Joruto and Yerimao’s Parou, as well as Morgan, could be seen controlling a wild boar carriage .

Morgan who was in the middle of hunting, Orcs were pulling a boar carriage from the royal capital with luggage that a Parou could not carry .

While catching up to his friends who were preceding, Tatsumi and co had finally walked up toward the Ragine Village .

A four horse Parou and one boar carriage .

A few people called out to us about a case in the secluded Ragine Village .

Especially the first line of women driving the Parou carriages at the front and the men who handled the boar carriages at the end of the line gathered in the sight of the villagers .

Basking in the sunlight, the shining white gold women superiors’ hair and looks, the sparkling red short-cut hair, and the cool looks of the men .

If you look at it from the perspective of the border village inhabitants, it was almost like the entry of a protagonist in a story .

On top of that, the nicely-dressed men and the assistant like accompanying youth . They could even be seen as nobility .

If you call it nobility, it would certainly be an existence above the clouds . It was possible for the villagers to see them almost tax collectors, but in reality for a lot of people it was their first time seeing the nobility .

In the middle of them was a young guard in fully black body armor, who looked quite unremarkable .

Among the knights and mercenaries, if you looked at their armor obtained from hunting magical beasts, you would be surprised if you looked at the state of the raw materials .

However, the inhabitants of the border town would be unable to tell such things about their armor .

Looking at the beautiful village women and handsome village men, and the unknown nobles, everyone was gossiping to each other .

However, none of the villagers were talking about the black-armor clad young man .

The first thing the line of people had turned toward was an existence at the center of the town’s mind, the Savaiv Temple .

I call it a temple, but if you can’t compare it to the Savaiv Temple in the royal capital .

The private homes could be called big to a degree, but the Savaiv temple even if smaller was still an important place to offer prayer .

The temple’s building and surrounding yard were kept quite clean, and it was easily seen as to which places were being carefully cleaned by the priest and the villagers living there .

Everyone in the Savaiv temple’s chapel had wanted to meet the person in charge of the temple .

「Thank you for coming from such a far place . 」

The one who said that while showing a meek smile on his face, was a white haired old man .

「I have been looking over this temple, and could be called the supervisor of Vergil-dono . Nice to meet you, 《Holy Maiden》-dono, as well as《Amaka》-dono . You two must be those from the royal capital’s letters......Not only that, I have been bestowed the honor of being informed by the highest priest-sama’s letters . 」

I would not have even dreamed that such a border town priest would be recieving letter from the highest priest-sama, and Vergil is smiling .

「And would this person facing Toga happen to be your accomplice?」

And while continuing to meekly smile, Priest Vergil stood behind Tatsumi and co . while Joruto and co . looked at him .

Giuseppe had probably written to them to visit Toga, too .

Priest Vergil who was looking at Joruto and Yerimao had one more stop from Morgan .

「Now, who is that there...? In the letters from the High Priest-sama, it did say that your highness’s daughter and her husband as well as the government official would be travelling together but...」

「This is the person who started accompanying me during the middle of my trip ., I thought it would be written in the letters from the High Priest-sama, but in the case of the aforementioned illness being caused by the magical beasts as High Priestess-sama had thought, Priest Carusedonia and I alone would be unable to bear it,so I asked Morgan-dono, the famous《Freedom Knight》to accompany us . 」

「Of course, the aforementioned illness was in the High Priestess-sama’s letters...But you’re the famous《Freedom Knight》-dono, hm? Someone of your strength being called upon is quite relieving . 」

「I have been removed from the temple for a reason, but travelling together with the《Holy Maiden》-dono and《Amaka》-dono, I have determined that this also goes along with the temple’s teachings, and have been travelling with them . 」

Priest Vergil’s smile deepened while Morgan said that and lowered his head .

「Oh my,that certainly is a beautiful married couple just as the rumors say . 」


While Tatsumi makes a faraway-looking face, Priest Vergil continues on while seemingly enjoying himself .

「Ah, it seems that even in this far land,《Holy Maiden》-dono and《Freedom Knight》-dono’s rumors reach people’s ears . With such a beautiful graddaughter and strong man partnership, Highest Priest-sama must also be very happy . 」

I wonder if Priest Vergil had no bad intentions at all or not .

But, hearing the Priests’s words, Joruto and Yerimao said「Oh crap」and thought it on their face, while Morgan covered his face with one of his hands .

And while Tatsumi’s wife hung her head shaking, Tatsumi made a face that seemed concerned for Priest Vergil’s safety, looking back and forth between Carusedonia and Priest Vergil .

And then .

「Nooooooooooo!! It’s not like thaaaaaat!!」

Raising both hands above her head, Carusedonia yelled out in anger and started crying .

「Ah... I’m not sure how to apologize... I’m very sorry,《Holy Maiden》-dono . 」

Priest Vergil, confused, offers his earnest apology .

But he was not the only one who held the blame .

If you asked about it, his letters had written that he had also 「Dispatched his graddaughter and her husband」 .

Not only was the《Holy Maiden》famous in Savaiv religious groups as being the Highest Priest’s daughter, the rumors circulating of the《Holy Maiden》and《Freedom Knight》being in love were not that long ago .

In a world without TV nor radio nor internet, it was extremely hard to destroy a growing rumor, especially because of the location we were in .

Perhaps if Morgan and Tatsumi and co . had not joined forces, Priest Vergil would not have had a weird misunderstanding .

If Morgan had not joined forces in the middle of the trip, even Giuseppe would have not thought of that .

「My partner is 《Amaka》’s Tatsumi Yamagata-sama . From now on, do not make that same mistake again!」

「Understood, I swear upon the Savaiv God . 」

Tatsumi, Carusedonia, and Vergil’s postition were all priests .

However, Carusedonia and Tatsumi were at a higher position due to being from the main temple at the royal capital rather than Vergil, who was a priest all the way out here .

And while Carusedonia was the granddaughter of the High Priestess, she was also the hardest out of the three to manage .

「Hey, you should leave it at that, Caruse . Since Priest Vergil just had a simple misunderstanding . 」

「............If danna-sama says so......」

「But above that, shouldn’t we be talking about the issue of the sick people first?」

「Ah, in that case Tatsumi . About your travelling luggage, shouldn’t it be more light if you put down some of it? At least in this town, there should be an inn or two?」

Joruto called out in the middle of the back and forth of Tatsumi and co .

「Uh, yeah, that’s right . This temple is quite small, and with 5 people’s worth we might not have enough space . I’m terribly sorry, but could I ask you to use the inn in the village . 」

「That’s right . Then, we’ll go to the inn and put our stuff away, then come back again to talk about the main issue . 」

「I understand . Then, I will accompany you to the inn if you’d like . Since this village’s inn is only one house big and is in a hard-to-understand place . 」

「No, you shall not be needed for that, Vergil-sama . As for the inn’s location, I already know it . 」

。As Carusedonia tells him that, Priest Vergil makes a weird face .

「Huh? How does the 《Holy Maiden》-dono know of where this village’s inn is? Is it possible you have been to this village before?」

Priest Vergil muttered that if someone as beautiful as you had visited our village, then he should have heard of it .

Strongly tilting her head, Carusedonia smiled sweetly at the priest .

「Vergil-sama . Have you not noticed yet? I was born in this village, and during my time here I had listened to the stories Savaiv-sama and Vergil-sama had told me?」

When she said that, Vergil looked at her appearance again .

And, as he looked, his eyes slowly opened widely .

「Oooo... . Ca, Carusedonia? Per, Perhaps, Bekkuri and Namea’s child?... That Carusedonia?」

「。Yes . I am no doubt the daughter of Bikkuri and Namea, that Carusedonia . It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, Vergil-sama?」

〔The Gentle Breeze〕 .

That was the name of Ragine Village’s single inn house .

The first floor was a bar as expected, the alcohol being one of this town’s small pleasures served by the villagers .

On the scale of the hotel, this time the inn house Tatsumi had seen was smaller than all the others, with the guest rooms being one large room that could fit 8 people, 2 rooms that could fit one person, and 2 rooms that could fit 2 people .

In the first place, the travelers who would regularly come here would likely be beggars, so a one house inn should be enough .

Tatsumi and co being halfway through their trip decided to get the 9 person room .

In the middle of going toward the inn, Tatsumi and co . were stared at with rude curiosity, but apparently word of them had already spread through the town .

Out of all though, of course the most noticed were Carusedonia and Morgan .

Out all of the villagers, Carusedonia’s beauty entranced and fascinated many young men, while the young women shrieked in a shrill voice over Morgan’s refined looks .

Putting their luggage in their room, Tatsumi breathed a sigh . He then sits down on the couch next to him while looking at Carusedonia .

It was not that Carusedonia’s appearance was weird, she was unpacking like normal .

Carusedonia had told Priest Vergil about her being from this village . The Priest, remembering her from his childhood, was so surprised that he couldn’t speak .

If you thought that a girl who recieved crazy person treatment then became the Savaiv religious association’s Highest Priest’s daughter and then returned,anyone would make the same reaction .

「Caruse...if you’d like, I could talk to the priest myself . 」

At Tatsumi’s sudden words, Carusedonia unknowingly makes a blank face .

But, knowing that he was just worrying about himself, she immediately gently smiles .

「Thank you for the offer very much, danna-sama . But, as I will be fine by myself, I will go together with you . 」

「Okay, then Yerimao-senpai and I will remain waiting at the inn . Even I am a bit tired . 」

「In that case, I will remain here to guard these two just in case . 」

It seems that Joruto and Yerimao, who are not accustomed to travelling, decided to stay at the inn .

That would mean that at least one person out of Tatsumi, Carusedonia, and Morgan should stay with Joruto and co .

「Then, Morga-san . Is it okay if I leave you to take care of Joruto and co?」

「Yeah . If something happens there, make sure to tell me immediately . 」

As for Tatsumi and Carusedonia, they would leave it to Morgan and head once more to the temple .

As always, the villagers stared at the rare sight of the two .

However,just the young women of the village were obviouly dissapointed due to the abscense of Morgan .

Tatsumi and『Amaririsu』equip the dragon armor and dragon sword . Carusedonia too puts on her magically sealed robe and dragon armor on her ankle, and holds her favourite cane .

I don’t think there’s going to be a threat in the village, but we’re in the middle of working . There’s a reason we’re in full body armor .

「After we heard the detailed story from Priest Vergil at the temple, should it have been better to talk to the mayor or a representative?」

「Yeah . I think we probably should have confirmed an example about how far the disease has spread . 」

While lightly making plans for afterward, Tatsumi and Carusedonia headed toward the temple .

And when they saw the temple ahead of them, Tatsumi and co . saw a man standing there almost as if blocking the way .

They saw Tatsumi—no, Carusedonia, they all together vulgarly smiled .

「Heee, so that’s the《Liar Caruse》huh? She seems to have quite grown to the beauty . 」

「Yeah . I would have never thought it was《Liar Caruse》huh . Honestly, I can’t believe it . 」

「If I knew she would have turned into such a fine woman,I should have turned her into the village servant . 」

The men, staring at Carusedonia, exchange selfish words .

As Tatsumi made a stern face at the men’s attitude, one of them stepped forward .

「Hey, Caruse . Do you remember me?」

The man while smirking wanders his gaze to Carusedonia’s waist and breast .


While muttering, Carusednia made a face that could only be explained as disgust .

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