The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1181: Deep Meaning

Chapter 1181: Deep Meaning

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

The people on the truck, who were the last people to remain in town, were all either old, weak, or disabled. Some were even lying semi-paralysed in their beds back in town. They would not have moved if a fire was not lit under their asses. These people were tossed and turned violently during the ride, and Brother Black even braked abruptly a few times on the way. The back of the pickup truck was also half filled with mud that was freezing cold in this weather. Submerged in the mud, the passengers were almost unconscious by now.

Therefore, Sheyan’s feat of sacrificing himself was only witnessed by the vampires aside from his party members. It was a textbook example of doing good deeds anonymously.

It was hard for the Cullen family, who had lived in the town for a good few years, to not extend their help to the townspeople who were in urgent need of aid. They could only choose to stay to provide assistance.

However, Edward Cullen did remark coldly, “It’s ok, it won’t be difficult to find them. I remember the smell of the gunman’s blood…. Their destination seems to be somewhere among the hills below. They probably went to save the guy who flung the car.”

The Cullen family thus settled down to treat the injured. Their leader, Carlisle Cullen, was the town doctor to begin with, so he naturally had a responsibility to treat the injured. His face was grave at the moment, for he could not stop thinking of the strong will a moment ago that felt like the majestic nature itself.

Alice Cullen was surprised though.

“What did you say they went down there for? To rescue that guy? God, even if we were the ones engulfed by the mudslide, we’d still be torn to pieces in an instant; the mud and the rocks inside were moving so crazy fast that it’s like a mixer in there! No one can survive that! And don’t forget, he was also smashed in the head by that gigantic boulder. The boulder looked like it weighed several hundred tons!”

Carlisle Cullen replied calmly, “Nothing’s impossible in this world. When the guy was hit, I saw him in a textbook defensive posture, and a really strange dark light which looked like the sickle of Death flashed on him right at the moment of impact. The most crucial thing is that when the huge boulder hit him, it actually burst open! ”

The Cullen family gasped in unison. Carlisle continued in a serious tone, “And why did the Ford Raptor suddenly go out when everything was going so well? This may seem like an accident, but I can feel some sort of force driving the incident…”


In the darkness, there were obstacles everywhere. Everywhere he looked, he was greeted by the sight of thick, sticky mud and the broken pine branches within. The pale white of the broken sections of pine branches was clearly visible.

Less than 10 centimeters in front of Sheyan was the head of a Newfoundland reindeer floating in the mud. Its proud plush fur, highly sought after by rich women, was completely soaked wet and muddy. Its antlers were broken, exposing the blood-stained bones within. Its head was an irregular mush of flesh and blood, as if it had been gnawed by wolves.

If it wasn’t for the layer of yellow light from ‘Life-Link’, seemingly weak but in reality indestructible, encasing Sheyan and protecting him, his situation right now could only be described in two words: buried alive.

Compared with the earth-shaking momentum at the surface of the mudslide, the spot Sheyan was buried in, at least 30 meters below the surface, was relatively calm. He could only judge from the tremor of the mud surrounding him that the mud above had been hammered fiercely time after time, making the mud around Sheyan harder and more compact.

When he was hit by the gigantic boulder, Sheyan had activated his new innate ability: ‘Death’s Lament’. The boulder, weighing hundreds of tons, had rolled down the hills following the mud and had accelerated for at least three or four kilometers before it reached Sheyan. Its momentum could be said to have reached its peak.

Thus, when Sheyan was struck head-on by the boulder, the defence and HP he took so much pride in could be summed up in two words:

Completely worthless!

Fortunately, ‘Death’s Lament’ had come into effect. Sheyan’s HP dropped down to 0 in an instant, but after that, the remaining damage value was converted into a healing effect, restoring 50% of his HP.

So technically speaking, if we only scrutinise the numbers, the huge boulder had only shaved away 50% of Sheyan’s HP. Of course, it also caused ‘Death’s Lament’ to enter a long cooldown period.

This showed how powerful ‘Death’s Lament’ was!

Having avoided the most lethal blow, Sheyan instantly activated ‘Gloryheal’ to offset the continuous damage done by the debris carried in the mudslide. The problem of suffocation, which should have been the biggest worry for an ordinary person in his shoes, was not a problem for him at all. It would not trouble him as long as he could take in fresh air again within an hour.

The thing that inflicted the biggest damage on him after that was the moment when he crashed down to the bottom of the gully, carried by the mud flow. It sent him into the state of near death. Reef’s HP was instantly reduced by half when ‘Life-Link’ was triggered. He immediately activated ‘Gloryheal’ to help in his HP recovery.

But when Sheyan was buried even deeper, the damage he sustained became weak and continuous. Reef could finally heave a sigh of relief. Neither him nor Sheyan decided to use the honorary dosage because it was their final life-saving measure. They estimated that holding out for two to three hours in this situation should not be a problem.

Mudslides always came fast and ended quick. It had already filled up half the valley. As for Forks, there was not even a trace of its existence left – the town had already become history.

Sheyan was buried nearly 30 meters deep under the mud at the bottom of the valley. Conventional methods of rescue were almost pointless. If he had to pin his hope on conventional rescue means, his party might as well just start the preparations for his funeral.

Even if they used excavators to dig the mud, as soon as it took a scoop, the mud from the side would quickly flow in to fill the hole up. It seemed an impossible task, unless they could excavate the whole valley or wait until the mud dried up.

It was, of course, a stage for our dear Mr. Kulutego. Sanzi naturally could not keep sleeping in this situation. He was currently standing beside Kulutego with bloodshot eyes. The latter had already reverted back to his ferocious two-headed Cyclops form, a faint grey light shooting out from one of his eyes. The mud which the light fell upon would strangely squirm and retreat away in horror, forming a dark tunnel.

Kulu threw a peeled walnut into his mouth and chewed on its sweetness. Tego lowered his head to Sanzi and complained with dissatisfaction, “Uncle, why do I have to do such a tedious task?….”

Less than a minute later, Sheyan was carried out of the tunnel on Kulutego’s shoulder. Sheyan currently was in a sorry state with mud all over him, but he still looked energetic.

Zi suggested that they should move to another place to recuperate. Sheyan pondered for a moment and did not assent to Zi’s proposal. Instead, he decided that they should set up a simple camp under a rock nearby to take a rest.

Some places in the mud had not completely stopped flowing, so there was still a certain chance of encountering danger if they waited in this low terrain. Therefore, the others were somewhat puzzled by Sheyan’s decision. But when they saw that Sheyan had made up his mind, they didn’t say much.

After Sheyan left the state of near death, he immediately took a shower to wash away the blood and dirt stains on his body, then wrapped himself comfortably in pajamas. He said after he sat down beside the fire, “The reason why I suggest staying here is because I found something interesting when I was saving the townsfolk.”

“So you noticed. It turns out there’s a reason this town is called Forks. I saw a girl who shouldn’t have appeared in this world — Bella Swan,” said Zi with a frown.

Sheyan nodded. “When Mogensha and I went to set fire to the town, we’re attacked by a group of hermit-like vampires who, it turns out, were not evil. They belong to a family organization called the Cullen Family.”

“Forks Town, Cullen vampires, Bella Swan…. These three key phrases obviously point to Twilight, another well-known movie. The plot of this movie isn’t really complicated, it’s mainly about the emotional entanglement between an ordinary human girl and a group of blood-sucking vampires who are trying to restrain their desires.”

“The leading characters of another film have appeared in the world of 2012. I’ve never encountered something like this before, but theoretically speaking, we can’t be absolutely certain that in the movie world of 2012, there is no Forks Town, no Cullen vampires, no Bella Swan….”

At this point, Sheyan took a sip of hot chocolate and sighed with pleasure. As he did so, he saw Kulutego looking at him while biting his fingers and dripping saliva. He immediately poured a cup of hot chocolate for the Cyclops too.

“Let’s think. How did we end up getting involved with the town of Forks in the first place?”

Mogensha replied with a frown, “It all happened because we chose to save the wounded bus passengers. Are you trying to say that we only get to establish contact with the main characters of Twilight if we choose the option to rescue the passengers?”

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