The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 556: Surprise attack of a werewolf

Chapter 556: Surprise attack of a werewolf

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Nobody anticipated such a deadly sneak attack.

Even though Sheyan’s perceptive sense was substantial, he was unable to foresee anything as the rifles weren’t aiming at him at all.

After a string of gunfire, three marines standing by a carriage suddenly turned vacantly sluggish.

A red dot bloomed between their brows.

While others were still puzzled, the heads of those marines suddenly exploded with a boom!

This sneak offense was savagely brutal. Its principle laid in penetrating the opponent’s defence with a physically sharp object, before unleashing a violent explosion within the opponent’s body!

The only flaw was that those bullets had an effective range only slightly further than ordinary rifles, and were totally incapable of competing with a genuine sniper rifle.

The image of three heads simultaneously exploding was probably a sight many hadn’t seen before, even in their nightmares! Miserable flesh and blood splattered everywhere, landing around a ten metre radius. In no time, the air was dyed with a faint, bright and cruel red.

The carriage horse lifted its hooves into the air as it released a frightened neigh, before proceeding to gallop in panic as it hauled along the carriage haphazardly.

About to board that carriage, a dumbstruck noble maiden stood lifelessly. Only after ten seconds, did she realized her face was smeared with warm dregs of flesh and blood. As she gazed down onto her bloodied hands, she immediately released a shrilling scream of horror!

Within a split second, the entire ceremonial ground was thrown into an uproar.

A complete barrenness loomed above the necks of the three victims. Dangling by their shoulders, one could see a mangled face. The deathly white spinal column could be faintly seen through the neck, looking additionally tragic. At this moment, excessive loads of blood was squirting 5-6 metres out of their necks and trickling down; rapidly sprinkling melancholy bitterness over the entire field like a sprinkler truck.

Meanwhile, back when that gunfire sounded, Mogensha was about to dive away to cover.

Instead, Sheyan pulled and halted him.


Sheyan’s fists were clenched, assuming a posture that would react with contingencies anytime.

"To marksmen and snipers, they would definitely aim to assassinate the most desired target. However, it is hard to explain the deep hatred they have for ordinary marines; lowering themselves to the point of assassinating three marines. Therefore, I can infer their intention is absolutely not mere assassination!"

The stunned Mogensha finally regained his composure.

"What you’re implying is that they are trying to create chaos?"

Sheyan squinted his eyes and replied.

"Perhaps it isn’t limited to just that. If I haven’t guessed wrongly, this is just the beginning. We’ll remain standing here without moving. With me and Reef guarding you, you don’t have to panic. Let us quietly observe for variations."

Closely following, the second wave of assaults poured in like a torrential rain. Yet another two individuals were struck, exploded and died miserably!

The final gunshot was unleashed by a marksman wearing black shades, while proning atop the roof. The crosshair of his scope was locked onto the head of another marine, a marine that was presently calling to maintain order. That was a scene these operating contestants weren’t willing to see.

Hence, that contestant sneered while pressing the trigger; his heart already imagining the tragic scene of a head exploding like a watermelon.

Instead, the head, that was locked on by his scope, suddenly changed to a meticulously decorated carriage curtain. Instead, that marine had unknowingly been kicked flying!

A whirling bullet instantly pierced into the carriage, before exploding after lodging within the carriage.

However, the degree of explosions only sufficed to faintly shake the carriage, before dust puffed out from the few cracks that emerged on the carriage.

In the face of the large frame of the carriage, that 3.7 Akama explosive warhead could only offer a tiny rippling threat. It wasn’t sufficient to cause the carriage to explode.

Shockingly, the one who kicked the marine flying was Norrington. As an outstanding and indomitable Commodore now, he obviously possessed an incredibly astute perception.

Therefore, even though those contestants weren’t targeting him, he could still rely on his superb perceptive sense to determine the opponent’s target. Roaring furiously, he pointed his sword towards the ambushing site.

At present, all of the marines had seeked out shielding covers while scouting for the source of this ambush. Following Norrington’s direction, they seized the opportunity to strike back!

A sub-lieutenant swiftly knelt and raised his rifle to aim towards the distant hostiles. Yet another sub-lieutenant hacked down onto the hinges of a wooden door, before racing towards the first sub-lieutenant. Then, he raised that half-wooden door as a shield for his comrade in arms.

This exact scene repeated itself in every corner of the battlefield.

Within a couple of seconds, all of the marines were successfully hiding behind cover, before they ferociously returned compliments to their opponents with their mauser rifles.

The place where the three marksmen were, was instantly bombarded crazily with lead bullets. Within a short span of time, the furnitures, utilized as cover atop the roof of that shabby building, were obliterated into crumbling splinters.

After they had been exposed, the three marksmen had immediately crept backwards. In spite of that, the pouring of bullets mercilessly invaded in.

A bullet drilled into the chin of one of the marksmen, causing him to be struck flying into the air. While in the air, he was turned into a sieve by the incomparably dense mass of bullets; tearing him asunder! Blood splashed everywhere on the ground!

The forces personally commanded by Norrington himself, were able to react in unrivalled and crushing fashion within an instant. It was as though they were a program precisely programmed to strike back within the shortest time possible! It was no wonder such a formidable force could cause the collapse of Chevalle’s pirate fleet!

His eyes narrowing, Sheyan offered indifferently.

"The one who devised this ploy is extremely powerful."

After Sheyan’s words faded, tremendous violent explosions abruptly erupted in several ‘points’ of the entire battlefield!

The flashing explosions blinded the eyes of everyone temporarily, as the devastation of these tremendous explosions were incredibly horrific! Such a scene projected an impression as though the nexus of these explosions had collapsed into the ground, before triggering another wave of violent explosions!

Moreover, right where those explosions happened, was unexpectedly the area with the most marines taking cover!

As the thunderous explosions resounded, at least 3-4 sunken pits appeared at those areas, with black fog spirally 60-70 metres up high. One could observe 20 plus marines being blown away from the tremendous shockwave of the explosion, before they were shredded apart.

Only the shuddering buzz and humming could be heard in one’s ears in the wake of such intensified explosions. Gradually, the tragic cries and wails of victims could also be heard.

As it turns out, those assaulting marksmen were actually luring the elite trained marines to quickly search for cover, and congregate together in multitudes. Within this entire field, only several areas provided objects of cover.

Hence, the outcome was this - the congregated marines spontaneously leaned towards areas of which the explosives had already been laid beforehand. As such, they had practically delivered their own lives to the enemy!

Interlocked stratagems!

If Sheyan’s group had followed suit to take cover, their skins would’ve been fried even if they didn’t die!

The smuky fumes assailed their nose and lingered without dispersing. A residential building by the side swayed and finally crumbled clamorously.

Suddenly, a large brute stooped his body and charged out. While charging forward, his back stooped so low that eventually, he was stampeding in with both hands and feet.

Before entering battle, his mouth suddenly protruded forward while his ears elongated out. Then, his teeth turned yellow and expanded incisively. His clothes bursts from the swelling muscles into fabric waste as it wafted into the air like butterflies. Long greyish fur fluttered along the air.

In that instant, he had metamorphosed into a massive werewolf, as he unleashed an unprecedented forlorn howl.

The howl of that werewolf was identical to Reef’s ‘Shattering Cardiac Roar’, as it unleashed a ripple which swept through; sending the surrounding people staggering.

The werewolf’s agility was impressively terrifying. With a leap, its massive frame bounced up and landed onto the roof of the besiding building. Instantly, that building crumbled beneath the mighty stomp of the werewolf, as the werewolf borrowed the force to tear straight for Governor Swann!

The werewolf’s pounce was unstoppable with matchless agility, as its massive frame offered an inexhaustible daunting impression. Its greyish fur rose up like fluff on its skin! Dull yellowish bone claws glittered like frost and snow, as they cleaved down with lethal incisiveness!

Nevertheless, Governor Swann was being protected by several marines. Though the marines were witnessing such a monster, they didn’t cower but raised their rifles up high to block!

The wolf claws very bluntly cleaved down, as it tore out unexplainable sparks against those mauser rifles. The few marines stumbled backwards from impact, as their backs heavily slammed against the wall behind. Then, they coughed out a mouthful of blood.

At the moment the werewolf was obstructed, an unknown individual was already rushing towards Governor Swann.

Knocking against Governor Swann, he then grabbed him in mid air and dove 2-3 metres away, causing the werewolf’s follow up strike to land against the air. Within a second, gunfire rumbles resounded like beans frying.

Chi! Chi! Chi! The relentless sounds echoed out, as 7-8 bullets blazed into the back of the werewolf. Within a flash, its greyish long fur was soaked with fresh blood.

But at this moment, the eyes of the injured werewolf turned blood red, and in turn pounced forth with greater insanity. Aiming towards Governor Swann, it wildly and repeatedly clawed down. Even though the werewolf had landed itself in the middle of sieging navy forces, its tyrannical bearing indicated the upper hand with its stunning show of strength!

Instead, that individual who rescued Governor Swann displayed greater nimbility. Rolling on the ground after landing, he picked up a marine leather shield to block Governor Swann’s front.

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