The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter

Chapter 1

That’s what places like the one I’m standing in right now are called. An unexplored dungeon that the world is still unaware of, or just one with an as of yet unknown method of entry.

There’s always some kind of obstacle that prevents people from getting inside.

An entrance that doesn’t open.

No stairs to descend.

Protection by an overwhelmingly strong magical creature.

No knowledge on how to enter in the first place, and so on.

Precisely because of that the one to discover a way to enter is certain to be praised a hero. And that’s an understatement!

One time a certain Janton Jastal accidentally stumbled upon a stone that was required to enter a dungeon and just like that his country rewarded him with enough money to live multiple life times of bliss. That’s how big of a deal

Hidden Dungeons are.

And well, for better or worse that’s the kind of uncharted place I’ve stepped into.

“It’s still the third floor, what’s with this kind of monster popping up!”

Facing a skeleton looking like death incarnate I couldn’t help but yell. Just from the air it gave off I could tell it’s an extremely dangerous enemy. With ripped cloth fluttering along with its movements it raised its scythe and made me its target. At this point all I can do is take up the fight.

Hurriedly I made use of 「Analyse」, one of the skills I acquired on the previous floor, and verified my opponents strength.

…Turns out I encountered an enemy much worse than expected.

Name: Dead Reaper

Level: 99

Skills: Reap of Instant Death

For a level 23 like me it was already a ridiculously strong enemy on its own, but that skill is beyond brutal. A summary of the skill turned out as follows.

「Reap of Instant Death」

<Instant death upon taking damage. Without apt resistance evasion impossible.>

So basically, receiving a single hit means a journey to heaven. Since there’s no way I could face this kind of attack head-on I activated 「Edit」, another skill I obtained from the second floor, and tried manipulating the 『Instant Death』 part of the skill summary.

『Instant Death』 Removal: 1000 LP

“Whoah, no way.”

Removing those two words right now would render the skill useless, but to do that I need LP, life points. Right now I have no more than 500 LP, so executing that skill would just result in death for me.

“A creation skill then!”

The skill 「Thickheaded」 can be brought forth with 100 LP, and with another 100 LP I can use a transfer skill to pass it on to an opponent. I felt some rapid loss of strength with my life points sinking to 300 just like that, but bracing my legs I endured. No way am I going to die here.

“Hooh, time to step it up.”

――The dungeon no one should have been able to enter.

Why did I go into this kind of place?

Was I, the third son of a mere ruined noble, able to accomplish something great?

To explain that I’ll have to trace back a few days.

◇ ◆ ◇

I got up from my slightly drab bed and went downstairs, headed towards the living room. In doing so I was presented with a development different from the usual; in a display of perfect prostration my father was pressing his forehead on the floor.

“Forgive me, Noir! I’m truly sorry, it’s inexcusable!”

In a screaming voice I was suddenly receiving an apology. It was my first time seeing father go this far.

“Father, please raise your head. Just what is going on?”

“Truth is, it’s about the library you were supposed to work at from today onward…”

I am Noir Stalgia, third born of a noble.

Just a while ago I graduated from the Jastal Youth Rearing school for commoners and nobles. Due to my family’s circumstances I could forgo further education and instead acquired a job. The workplace being at a library, meaning I was to become a librarian. Since I’ve loved books since childhood I was more than thankful for the opportunity.

“Don’t worry, I’m already motivated enough about my first day of employment.”

“Aah, no, about the position as librarian… My connections are no longer of use.”

“What do you mean? Didn’t you say you talked it over with a friend?”

“Well, all of a sudden a viscount’s child cut in line and now… No more room for staff.”

I felt a headache coming. That very moment, my unemployment was decided.

For nobles, the order of distinguishment goes duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron, baronet. One could not oppose a higher class.

And we, Stalgia, were of the rank baronet, at best to be called the end of the ladder. Barely high class and if one were so inclined, “beggar nobles.”

Speaking up against a viscount two ranks above us was unthinkable.

“Father, please lift your head. I may have viewed becoming a librarian as my purpose in life, I may have even looked forward to it more than three meals a day, and I may be at the peak of despair, but I’m not bearing any grudge.”

“No you certainly are!”

“But still, just what should I do now, old ma… Father.”

“Were you just about to say old man?! No actually you did! You’re definitely upset, oh my son!”

“Leaving jokes aside, what now? For a noble’s son to be unemployed, even if it is a third rate noble, that’s unacceptable.”

“Third rate…”

Switching with my dejected father, both my mother and sister joined the discussion.

“Noir, just as a substitute plan, how about trying the hero school entry exam?”

“No way I’ll pass that.”

“In that case I’m going to provide for brother!”

“Thanks, Alice. But let’s put being financially dependent on my little sister up as plan C.

For now I’ll be taking my daily stroll.”

To cool down my head I went outside. In the mood I was I wished the wind would just blow my worries away. While walking through the farthest out quarter of the noble district, a beauty of a girl rushed over to me, her chest

shaking violently in the process.

“Morniiing, Noir! Everything ready?”

“Ah, good morning Emma.”

Adorned with some hair ornaments her brown hair was as charming as ever. A girl that’s been around me who knows how many years, Emma Brightness.

She’s my 16 year old childhood friend and a girl brimming with a maiden’s adorableness. Thanks to facial features that promised she would turn into a beautiful woman in the future and her chest size she was incredibly

popular with the boys in the Youth Rearing school. Actually, even the male teachers were no exception.

“From today on we’ll both be librarians~! Let’s work hard together, wahahaha~!”

While she was playing around mimicking some great hero I told her about the recent developments.

“…huh? So what? Wait, wait wait, so you can’t become a librarian?”

“Looks pretty impossible. I’ll be cheering you on from the back row though, Emma.”

Thanks to their baron lineage her family enjoyed a rather wealthy life and since both our parents are friends our childhood was full of opportunities to meet. Our noble ranks were different, but she’s never been the kind of person to boast about things like that. Our workplace… was supposed to be the same.

“So hey, what’s up with you being more down about it than I myself?”

“But, buut… I even found a story I was sure you’d be interested in, but to end up hearing something that depressing…”

“Something I’d be interested in?”

“It’s about your skill. Yesterday while reading in the archives I found something that stayed on my mind.”

“Oh, something about the Great Sage then? Do tell.”

「Great Sage」

A skill so rare that I’m currently the only possessor.

When I was seven years old and had it identified at the church my parents jumped from joy. Reason being that it’s the same skill a certain famous sage gained, who as a result acquired a lot of knowledge of the world and its

underlying laws. A skill with effects still unclear to the scholars, I was told. But in my case it’s a wasted gift.

――I can’t use it.

Well to be exact I can use it, but after utilizing it I’m assaulted by a headache so terrible it makes me wish for death, a cluster headache.

Until now I’ve refused to endure that kind of pain just so I could ask the Great Sage a question.

“There was this one line, that whenever Merlin the sage had a headache he would have his wives gather so he could kiss them.”

“Must’ve been crazy about kisses.”

“There, exactly! Merlin also had headaches when he used the skill. What if kissing the opposite sex was what alleviated the pain?”

“…It’s possible, I guess.”

“Right? W-wanna try it?”

“Me and, you?”

“Well, no one else to ask, right? I mean, I’m your childhood friend so something like a kiss is really just… in other countries they’re shared as greeting, you know? Despite appearances we’re adults after all.”

Watching Emma answer while being flustered like that I unintentionally let out a laugh. Because of how kind she is she’s fine with helping for my sake.

“Alright, let’s do it right away.”

“Wait, what, right now? What about the mood, the moods totally missing!”

“As compared to where?”

“The clock tower, let’s go~”

I’m not really following, but like that we climbed the clock tower in the very center of the city.


“Y-you’re welcome”

Her lips were warm, as well as soft, but rather than that I couldn’t help but worry about the skill’s side effect.

“Good luck!”

While fear was welling up inside of me Emma gave me a push on the back. My courage built up again.

Great Sage, please answer my call.

「Your will.」

I need to become stronger so I can pass the hero school entrance exam. What would be the most efficient method?

「Answer. Entering a Hidden Dungeon would be optimal.」

…It’s…It’s not coming?

Until now this has been the point at which the pain would start, but I’m still good!

Unintentionally I voiced my thoughts.

“Where is the closest Hidden Dungeon?”

「Please enter the grotto 14645 meters south west. Go on for 100 meters. Push the rotating wall on the left to reveal the stairs to 『The Unending Dungeon』」

“Ah no way now it’s starting to hurt like my eyes are being gauged out!”

“Noir! Should I kiss you again!?”

“Please do, Emma!”

We kissed. Several times. As if I was just imagining it the pain disappeared. Unbelievable. To think the method was this effective. But the pain is still dreadful, so after just asking about the entering method I canceled the skill.

“Se… seven times….”

On our way home I expressed my thanks to Emma, whose head turned red like an apple.

“Thanks for today. Would it be alright to ask you again some time?

“U-… Uh, yeah, no other choice, right”

Bidding farewell to the fidgeting girl on my side I returned home as fast as I could.

Father was still prostrating.

“These are my feelings, Noir! This is my devotion!”

“――…More importantly. Father! I need a sword with a good blade right away!”

“Don’t cut me―!! You can call me old man just please don’t kill me!”

“Don’t be an idiot, like I’d kill you! I’ll be out for a while training for the hero school entrance exam.”

“Aa, oh, so that’s why.”

Right away I received a sword with an exceptional blade. Looks like father used to be an adventurer back in the day. The kind that doesn’t get paid.

I equipped the sword and stormed out of the city at once.

When the sun was right above me I arrived at my destination and entered the remote grotto. After advancing into it a little I pushed the wall and truly, it rotated with a *gurun.*

Behind the wall there was a small room, in the middle of it a small staircase leading downwards. Long live the Great Sage.

Let’s descend.

“Whoah, it was really here.”

The area grew more vast and ahead of me towered a massive iron gate. No matter what kind of magic attack one summoned, it didn’t seem like it’d budge in the least. I recited the required incantation.

“「The Hidden Dungeon only I can enter. Secretly becoming world strongest!」”

Menacing rumbling…―――――

Huh, it actually opened with that silly line. No way anyone could enter without being taught that phrase.

――The Hidden Dungeon only I can enter.

With an air of triumph I passed through the gate.

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