My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 114 See If You Don’t Believe

The previous thug who initiated the rain of knives was now in a panic. The area within ten meters radius from Qin Chao was empty, nobody dared to approach. Beyond this ten meters area, were these evil people, who formed a circle to encircle him, nervously staring at Qin Chao.

This man, although sometimes she hated till she grits her teeth, at times he was like a….wolf. But he is indeed a reliable person, and she always thought that, even if the sky collapses, she doesn’t need to be afraid.

In the arms of Qin Chao, Liao Shasha can’t seem to feel the greedy eyes of the enemies around her. Instead, she only felt warm. She tightly clung to Qin Chao, seemingly wanted to melt herself in this man’s arms.

Liao Shasha doesn’t like to leave the house because she was afraid. Since the previous bodyguard A Li, dying in the pool of blood in front of her, the fear was more deeply embedded in her heart.

If this man could be on her side forever, even if it’s hell, she would dare to go.

“Bad guy….don’t leave me….” Thinking about this, Liao Shasha tightened her hug.

“Rest assured, although your chest is small, I would not leave you alone.” But at this time, Qin Chao can still easily say a tease with a smile, “But you don’t need to hug so tight. Otherwise, before they could hack me to death, I would be strangled by you.”

Liao Shasha’s face immediately flushed, the strength in her arms were loosened several points.

But Qin Chao didn’t know what’s inside the little girl’s mind. He stood there, looking around at these cowardly villains, the corner of his mouth hung a sneer.

“Click!” He pulled out a red river cigarette in one hand and put it in his mouth. He then took out a lighter and softly lit it.

Looking at his clothes, there has been several knives’ cut. Although he cultivated the Diamond Sutra, making his body as hard as iron. But the clothes can’t cultivate this amazing heart sutra. A good black coat has become somewhat tattered.

Seeing how Qin Chao leisurely lit a cigarette, the surrounding villains were nervous. They thought, ‘Who the hell is this guy, the knives can’t even chop him. Liao Dongkai this fellow, where did he got such a bodyguard!’

Thereupon, such a situation was formed. Qin Chao moved a few steps, the villains also moved several steps, keeping their distances with this man.

“Anyone who doesn’t make way, will die.” Finished smoking the cigarette, Qin Chao finally lost his patience to stay in a stalemate with these people. He pinched the cigarette butt and threw it on the ground, revealing an evil sneer in front of these men.

Murderous aura suddenly filled the air, making these thugs understand, in front of this man, they would sure to lose their lives if they confront him.

Only a man who has killed people before could have such a murderous aura like this!

Some timid villain’s legs became soft. Some people can’t even hold their machete, which fell on the ground with clatters sound. Their hearts were like being pulled by horses, jumping fast with the whirring sound, making them afraid to the point of nausea.

Finally, people began to retreat, withdrawing the encirclement. When there’s one person moved, naturally there will be the second, and the third. The number of people who surrounded them was decreasing, the initially two to three hundred people, were now less than a hundred.

“Damn it, this bunch of cowards!” A thug rage, “We only need to seize Liao Shasha!”

“Seize!? Easy for you to say. You know how to catch her!?” Someone raised this very lethal problem.

“I don’t believe he can even stop the bullets!” Finally, a villain can’t endure anymore. He stood up and drew out the type 54 pistol from his waist.

This type 54 pistol was clearly different in quality than the one that he previously took. This was handmade in Hualong, with no quality control whatsoever, which make its quality not up to standard. Sometimes it will jam, other times it can even explode.

However, it’s still a pistol. The current market price for this gun can reach ten thousand.

Qin Chao saw the guy pulled out a type 54 pistol, immediately narrowed his eyes. Although he has cultivated the Diamond Heart Sutra, and even reached its minor achievement. But he still hasn’t thought the idea to take the bullet head on, in case he can’t withstand it, the memory was still vividly remembered by him.

So, when the man raised his gun, Qin Chao immediately jumped away in diving posture, swift as the wind. He jumped two meters high and flew across ten meters distances, and then stepped on the head of someone.

“Ouch!” Whichever that villain was, he bore the brunt of Qin Chao’s foot, being stepped on and immediately slumped to the ground. While Qin Chao, with this step, has flown across four to five meters away and, unexpectedly, landed outside the encirclement.

“Not good! He wants to run!”

That thug has no time to shoot. In his dismay, his view was blocked by several of his companions.

“Move away! Let this father executes him!” The feeling of prey suddenly fled from his gunpoint made him furious and roared.

These miscreants immediately scrambled to spread out. Seizing this chance, Qin Chao ran to the other side of the street, standing in the alley between two tall buildings.

“That is a dead end, block him!”

These thugs immediately scattered themselves into two rows, blocking Qin Chao’s escape routes. The gun-toting villain walked over with a wicked smile.

“Run. I want to see where you’re going to run!”

Qin Chao suddenly laughed and pointed to the above. When the crowd’s attention followed his finger upward direction, Qin Chao suddenly moved.

He bent his knees and jumped up. This jump was three meters high. If he participates in a sports competition, he would probably win the award with ease.

Qin Chao jumped to one side of the wall and stepped on that wall, borrowing the strength to leap once more. This jump flew him across the five meters distance between the building and two meters high, letting him fell on the wall on the other side.

Like a grasshopper, Qin Chao jumped back and forth between these two buildings, leaping higher and higher and soon, will arrive at the top of the building.

“Damn it!” That thug cursed loudly, and immediately raised his pistol and aimed at the jumping back and forth Qin Chao.

“Then I’ll send you to hell!” Qin Chao was faster than him. When he was in mid-air, he summoned his type 54 pistol from his storage ring and held it in his hand.

His legs were bent, as he was about to jump to the roof of another building. Meanwhile, one of his hand held Liao Shasha, while the other hand lifted a gun, aiming at the following villain.

After practicing cultivation, Qin Chao’s body has been transformed. His senses and balances have reached the limits of human being. Therefore, although before this he was useless in anything related to guns, his marksmanship is very accurate. Relying on his feeling, he knew where he should aim this gun.

“Bam, bam, bam!” But Qin Chao was still not assured, so he fired three shots in a row. The three yellow bullets whistled out with the tongue of fire from the barrel. The villain was about to pull the trigger, but that three bullets have been scrambling to drill into his eyebrow.

A head shot!

Qin Chao’s body firmly landed on the platform, while the villain’s eyes continued to stare, unwilling to accept his fate.

“That kid has a gun in his hand!”

“Damn it! Where could Liao Dongkai found such a pro!” These miscreants were going crazy. This groups of three hundred people have surrounded two people, but they can’t even touch even a single hair of their target. While on their sides, some lie injured on the ground, some ran away in panic, and one knocked down by three bullets.

“He ran to the top of the building, what to do now!?”

“We split up. One group follow him upstairs, and the other group waits below!”

Some smart people among them immediately said, “Damn, I don’t believe he will not go down!”

“How’s it going?” Hearing the sound of the cursing voice has decreased, Liao Shasha pulled out her head from Qin Chao’s bosom, took a look, and asked.

“Rest assured, we’re safe for the time being.”

Qin Chao put away his pistol. Liao Shasha looked around, her body moved heedlessly, which almost slid from Qin Chao’s bosom.

Qin Chao quickly stretched out both of his hands and lifted up the tender buttocks of the little girl.

Like this, their postures were immediately somewhat ambiguous. Qin Chao was holding Liao Shasha’s tender buttocks while Liao Shasha’s legs were clamping on Qin Chao’s waist, sitting there with her hands around his neck.

This position was ambiguous, making Liao Shasha’s face turned red again.

In particular, Qin Chao also felt the softness of this little girl’s body, plus her two legs clamping on his waist, so that he suddenly remembered his yesterday’s evening affair with Yu Lu. At that time, they also made a pose like this on the sofa; they were really passionate.

A same pleasant sensation, similar to the numbing from the electric current, spread on both side’s bodies.

Soon, Liao Shasha felt there’s something hard under her. Her face was extremely hot and, with a slightly accelerated breathing, she whispered.

“Your, your phone is slightly bumped against me….”

Qin Chao is also driven by passion, at this time the lust has blocked his brain, and he could not resist exporting a teasing sentence.

“My phone? How could it be so big?”

Liao Shasha immediately blushed and could not help but lean, opened the mouth and bit the shoulder of Qin Chao.

Qin Chao was helpless, “Can you not always pick this shoulder to bite? Your elder brother has another shoulder you know!”

“You, can you pick other people to bully other than me!”

Liao Shasha said with clenched jaws, but can’t restrain the pleasant sensation running through her body, and could not help but tremble, lying in the arms of Qin Chao.

“I, am I a bad child?”

“No, little Shasha, you are not bad.” Qin Chao was also trying to restrain his desire. Liao Shasha is only seventeen years old, he’s the one who was a bit too evil.

This is not the way to teach the little loli.

“You’re not bad, it’s just your chest which is a bit small.”

“I’m not small!” Speaking about her sore spot, Liao Shasha immediately shouted out, grabbed one of Qin Chao’s arm, letting his other hand cupping her charming buttocks, and put his other hand on her chest, “If you don’t believe, see it for yourself!”

Like an explosion of an ambiguous pink bomb on both of their bodies, Liao Shasha suddenly realized what she had done, and felt too shy to even leak a drop of water.

Qin Chao was also greatly embarrassed, the softness in his hand was stimulating him, making him unable to let go.

“You, you bully me!” Liao Shasha didn’t have the strength to shove away the evil hand and can only tenderly say in a low voice.

“It’s obvious that you’re the one who let me touch it….”

“Nonsense, you bully me! I, I’ll fight you!”

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