Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 254 Talking To Monsters

Chapter 254 Talking To Monsters

The next day I was back in the dome and back to the moving target training. This time it was different because Lilith was teaching me how to use my power in multiple ways instead of just one.

"You need to learn how to use your power for more than just destruction. Your power can be used for other things as well," Lilith explained as she floated over to me, and I nodded my head in understanding before closing my eyes and focusing on my power.

I needed to learn how to control it so that I could use it for other purposes, not just destruction. It took a while, but eventually, I managed to create a small shield around myself that protected me from the Power Orbs without destroying them.

"Very good," Lilith said with a pleased smile on her face before coming over and sitting down next to me. "You are progressing well."

A week had passed since then, and today I was doing well, having already destroyed two sets of the four Power Orbs without getting hit. I was proud of myself, but the look that Lilith gave me just told me that this was only the beginning.

"Good job, Daniel. You are progressing well," she said, and I nodded my head in understanding before sitting down on the ground and taking a deep breath.

"You should rest now," Lilith said, but I shook my head no.

"Let\'s keep going. I know that you are just going to turn things up, so let\'s just get to it," I said as I bounced back on my toes. I was starting to get used to focusing my power and using the shield to keep myself from being knocked around.

"You\'re right; I am going to turn things up. This next part of your training is going to be difficult, but it is essential if you want to learn how to control your power," Lilith said as she floated over to the edge of the dome and placed her hand on one of the panels.

Suddenly, the room started to change as different obstacles began to appear out of thin air. It was like a maze with walls and floors that shifted and changed.

"You need to make your way through this maze without using your power in any way that would destroy anything," Lilith explained as she floated back over to me, and I nodded my head in understanding before starting into the maze cautiously.

It was hard at first because everything about this place screamed danger, but eventually, I made it through without incident by using my shield when needed until I reached the other side, where Lilith was waiting for me with a pleased smile on her face.

"Now I will show you the true maze," Lilith said as she floated over to the panel and placed her hand on it again, and suddenly the room shifted around us until we were in a completely different place.

This maze was different; it was dark, and there were things lurking in the shadows that I couldn\'t see. I could feel their eyes on me, though, and I knew that they were waiting to strike.

"You need to make your way through this maze without using your power in any way that would destroy anything, just like before, but this time there will be creatures. They will try to attack you, but you must avoid them. Your only goal will be betting through this maze, but the monsters are real to you and will try to stop you. This time will also be much longer as the maze will move with you, so you are always in the center of the room," Lilith explained, and I took a deep breath as I prepared myself before moving forward.

This was going to be difficult, but I knew that I could do it. Lilith had faith in me; otherwise, she wouldn\'t have brought me here. So, I had to have faith in myself as well.

I moved through the maze cautiously at first, but as time went on and nothing happened, my confidence grew until, eventually, I was moving through the maze quickly and effortlessly by using my shield when needed to protect myself from the creatures that tried to stop me.

But even though nothing could touch me physically and mentally, this place was taking its toll on me because of how dark it was and how everything felt so wrong. It was like this place was trying to break me, but I wasn\'t going to let it.

Eventually, I hit a big room, but there were two lizards blocking my way. I tried to go around them, but they were too fast, and I ended up using my power without meaning to in order to get past them.

They both flew back and hit the wall with a sickening crunch, and I winced as I realized that they were both dead. Lilith floated into the room a moment later with a look of disappointment on her face.

"I\'m sorry," I said, but Lilith just shook her head.

"It\'s okay; this place is designed to test your limits. You did well," she said, and I sighed in relief before following her out of the maze, but I was disappointed in myself.

I had let my emotions get the better of me, and I had killed two creatures needlessly. It wasn\'t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it still bothered me.

The next day I was back in the dome, and we were doing the same training as before, except this time, there were more creatures, and they were harder to avoid.

But even though it was more difficult, I managed to make it through without incident by using my shield when needed until I reached the other side, where Lilith was waiting for me with a pleased smile on her face, just like before.

"See, you are learning. Some things don\'t need to die just because they are in our way. If you wish to pass, then it is you that must figure the way around since these creatures are less than you. It was nothing for you to kill them, but it took more work to avoid. You are probably wondering what the point of it all is?" Lilith asked, but I shook my head. I understood now.

"Humans and everyone else are the monsters, right? They are the ones that could lash out because they don\'t understand what I am trying to do. Trying to explain myself to lesser beings and expecting them to listen is like yelling at the monsters, right?" I asked, and Lilith nodded.

"Yes, they are like monsters, and you must be gentle with them. Violence will only make things worse because they can\'t understand what we are trying to do," Lilith said, and I nodded my head in understanding.

I was starting to see now that everything Lilith was teaching me had a purpose, even if I didn\'t understand it all yet. But I trusted her because she had yet to lead me astray, and so far, everything she had taught me had helped me become stronger both physically and mentally.

Eventually, the training became more difficult as the weeks started to blur by, and Lilith started adding more obstacles, like traps, into the mix. Even then, I managed to make it through without incident by using my shield when needed until finally, we reached the end of the training, where Lilith congratulated me on my progress.

"You have done well, Daniel. You are now ready to start the next stage of your training," she said, and I nodded my head in understanding before following her out of the dome. I had been here for almost four months now, and as far as I could tell, I was making good progress, but Lilith\'s expression never really changed that much. Sure, she congratulated me, but she always seemed to wear the same expression.

I was starting to wonder if she was ever truly proud of me or if this was just another test. But I didn\'t voice my concerns because I knew that Lilith would tell me when I needed to know.

The next day, my training changed again as Lilith took me to a new building and into a small room. The entire place, walls, floor, and roof were covered in a red crystal, but there were no seams.

"This is Power Cube. Unlike the Power Orbs, you will just be standing in here, and you will be hit with overwhelming amounts of energy and stress. This will push you past your limits, but you will have to hold on. Each session lasts for 60 minutes and cannot be stopped once we begin. I believe that you are ready for this, but if you can\'t, this could break your mind and change you. I am sure that I don\'t have to explain in what way you will be changed since you know what the Great Red Eye is," Lilith explained, and I nodded as I looked around the room.

"You will be in here alone, but I will be monitoring you from the outside. If anything happens, then I will come in after, but until then, you are on your own," Lilith said as she floated over to the door and placed her hand on it.

"I am ready," I said as I took a deep breath. The door closed behind me, and suddenly I was hit with a wave of energy that was so overwhelming that it knocked me to my knees.

But even though it was painful, I didn\'t give up because Lilith was counting on me and everyone I loved. So instead, I gritted my teeth and pushed through the pain as I was hit over and over again with bursts of power.

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