The Ancients World

Chapter 97: Taking flight for the first time

Chapter 97: Taking flight for the first time

{You guys know the drill, mark any spelling errors. This chapter is one I really enjoyed writing and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I hope the story has been able to leave a good impression on you guys, my inspiration for this story came from wanting to read something like this. Since I couldn\'t find it I\'m writing it, much like my fanfiction. Thanks for reading everyone!!}

I haven\'t been able to fall asleep and the reason is my constant curiosity about the truth. I have taken shelter in a ruined skyscraper. I have made my way up to one of the top floors and I must say. The view is something that you can only find in Ancients World. Using high ground to scout my surroundings is a good idea, but most of the view if of deep forests. The moonlight is barely making it visible beyond a couple miles, from were I\'m standing there isn\'t anything in view. Waiting till morning seems like a good idea, but I have an urge to try something out. Since its the cover of night it\'ll be easy to avoid the risk of revealing my identity. At least I think so, sometimes you don\'t know what can happen. I stand up and look out the window as the night sky shines upon the forest. I toggle my wings on with a thought and they sprout from my back.

No blood or pain, they just appear and are in a folded position so I don\'t wreck any of the cubicles around me. This is the first time I\'ll be flying of my own ability in Ancients World, and I\'m getting a worry that I\'ll fail. There are no instructions to flying, and my wings are like 2 more appendages on me. It might be safe to assume that flying wont be as easy as I thought it was. I stand at the very edge of the window and look down, I must be 60 or 70 stories up. I take one more deep breath and steel myself. I unfold my wings as I lean forward and they are very long and powerful looking. The gold really completes the look. I find myself without a ledge to stand on anymore as I fall to the ground.

I try to angle my wings and pull up, I succeed at first. Until I find myself heading straight into another skyscraper. I use my wings to cover the front of me before I impact the building, and this causes problems too. I absolutely destroy the walls in my way and end up on the other side of the building after going through it. I\'m approaching the ground fast and I wrap my entire body in my wings. I feel no pain as I rip and tear through the concrete. I finally stop and I unfold my wings, I\'m laying on my back and rubble from my flight attempt lays around me. My wings move in tandem with my body as I stand and I look to the building that I just crashed through. Seems my wings were to strong and ruined the high impact areas.

I look back up in the sky as I stretch my wings wide once again. Taking flight from the ground might have been a better idea. I flap them with force and I find myself approaching the clouds in the night very fast. I relax my wings and begin to fall again, this time however I level out and glide. I have made some progress, but this isn\'t where I want to stop today. I flap my wings in a horizontal direction to match the angle my body is in and I burst forward. I don\'t know how fast I\'m going, but looking behind me I can see the little slice of a city I was in fading away. I want to reach that 430mph, that\'s really fast in my opinion. I put my full strength into the flapping of my wings and I burst forward even faster.

I tilt my body up and let the energy carry me higher. I\'m now above a large portion of some clouds that were away from the place I was at. I burst forward again and I cant stop the look on my face from experiencing flying for the first time. "WWWHHHHHOOOOHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!!" I yell into the night sky as I turn my body to face the starry sky. I lean backwards and begin to fall at a fast speed. I breach the clouds and I see the forest floor again, I spread my wings fast to stop my descent and come to a halt. I flap my wings again and burst forth in speed, I look in the direction the city should be in and I don\'t see it anymore. I just continue flying for a few more minutes and eventually spot a waterfall.

There is nothing around except for the flow of water and the crashing of my hard fall against rocks and a cliff. I hit an area higher than the rest and break through it with my wings, I couldn\'t control my landing so I just decided to fall. My wings protect me just fine as I wrapped them around me like I did before. I get up from the hole I made and wipe the dirt and mud off. "I really need to work on my landings, but that will come with time." I stretch my body and wings in a relaxed manner. I toggle my wings off for the time and approach the flowing river. I dip my hand in and bring some water to my mouth. It is fresh water, so that means its safe to drink. I wouldn\'t die from drinking bad water, but its not something people should get in the habit of doing.

I take a few minutes to just drink and drink. After I\'m done with that I make my way over to a tree and lean against its trunk. I didn\'t believe it when I heard that flying freely in Ancients World was the best thing ever. Everyone has a dream of being able to fly, but that\'s all it is, a dream. In Ancients World though, dreams have a tendency to come true. While not everyone will experience flying, they will have other dreams fulfilled. I remember that I still have one thing to look at, and that\'s The Witnesses new information and stats. It gets more powerful every time I tier up, and I haven\'t looked at it yet since my transformation. I bring the sword onto my lap and use inspect on it.

[The Witness]

[Description: A legendary sword that has been around since before recorded history, all the greatest and most influential people have wielded this blade. Empires have risen and fallen to, and for, this blade. It has been held by kings, queens, emperors, and empresses. Along with Sword Saints of unparalleled power and recognition. The Witness is the strongest and most powerful of the one handed swords on Gaia. There is no blade better to wield. The construction of The Witness isn\'t one know to all, only a select few know it origins. It was crafted by the same divine metal as Durandal, Excalibur, and Caliburn. These 4 swords were made by the angelic smith Erelim. All of them are considered siblings since they were made from the same metal ore.]

[More information will be revealed once you tier up.]

[Quality: Legendary]

[Durability: Infinite]

[Damage: 24,000]

[Unique properties]

[Has a very high chance to dismember limbs instantly]

[Has a very high chance to cause Curse of Decomposition]

[Description: Areas attacked by Curse of Decomposition will rot away till its cured or target dies.]

[Will always cause critical hit upon vital points struck]

[Will always ignore armor and defense ratings]

[This sword will gain more power every time you tier up.]

[There is no required level to wield this blade.]

[The Witness resonates with your angelic blood. +10000 focus]

So its gained a boost in damage and how much mana it gives me. The new information about it is surprising, it explains why my angelic blood resonates with it. I open my player stats to see my new mana.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.51]

[Exp: 38/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 2050][Endurance - 2000][Dexterity - 2080][Speed - 2195][Focus - 13,500]

[Health: 16,200/16,200][Mana: 135000/135000]

[Stat Points: 270][Armor rating: 500]


[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.7 325/700] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.7 225/700] [Slash Lvl.17 4500/8000] [Parry Lvl.1 80/100] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight]

My mana has reached a high number for such a low level, it will come in handy for when I get my divine mana aura. The more mana you have, the better you can make your control in the long run. It comes with the downside of being harder to gain that better control though. Beings like Nelli and Fenrir have an unlimited amount of mana, at least I think they do. I\'m sure that if I asked Fenrir for tips on how to make my mana aura control better he will give me great tips. I look at my sword again and just smile, Pesticide didn\'t know what he truly had. If he did, he did good hiding it. After a few more minutes my eyes begin to feel heavy and I close them. I got the extra energy out of my system and now I\'m ready to sleep. I\'ll cover more ground in the morning.

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