Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 235 Uncertainty And Doubts

On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Jonathan and Morgan waited for the president to arrive in the Oval Office. While doing so, they chatted to pass the time.

"Jonathan, I remember you saying that there is more to your offer, which I have interpreted as you developing something cooler than those weapons. Do you mind sharing with me the details? I swear I won\'t tell anyone," Morgan said.

Jonathan chuckled. "I\'m afraid I can\'t do that, Mr. Morgan. It\'s best that I keep it a surprise to anyone. Spoiling it to you would ruin the excitement. Trust me, it\'s something that needs to be experienced firsthand."

Morgan leaned back in his chair, a playful grin on his face. "Well, Jonathan, you certainly know how to pique my curiosity. The President is sure is taking his time eh?" 

"It\'s the President, so it\'s obvious that he has a lot on his plate," Jonathan said. 

Just as Jonathan finished his sentence, the door to the Oval Office swung open, and the President entered with a determined stride. Jonathan and Morgan stood up, ready to delve into the important matters that awaited them.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," Harrison greeted them with a firm handshake. "I apologize for the delay. It\'s been a busy day. Please, have a seat, and let\'s get started." 

They settled back to their seats again and the President began.

"I have good news for the two of you, Mr. Morgan, and Mr. Axelsen. The British have agreed to our demands. They will hand over Poul Nielsen back to us by the end of the week."

Upon hearing those words, Jonathan and Morgan exchanged a glance, their faces etched with a mix of relief and anticipation. The news was a significant breakthrough, validating the tireless efforts they had invested in securing Poul Nielsen\'s return.

"That\'s excellent news, Mr. President," Jonathan replied, his voice laced with gratitude. "Thank you for your efforts." 

"Not a problem, Mr. Axelsen, just make sure you hold up the end of your bargain and we are even," Harrison replied cheekily.

"They are going to return Mr. Nielsen just like that?" Morgan asked, his tone filled with doubts. 

Jonathan glanced at Morgan, his brows raising. "What do you mean by those words, Morgan?"

"Well, Poul Nielsen is the number one enemy of the British Empire. I wouldn\'t even be surprised if they declared him persona non grata. Think about this for a second, he kidnapped Penelope Ascart, they bluffed on using force against us if we interfere with their process, and now they are willingly handing him over without any resistance? It just seems too convenient," Morgan explained, his voice laced with skepticism.

Jonathan leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. Morgan had a point. The sudden agreement from the British authorities did raise some questions about their true intentions. It was unlike them to simply relinquish their most wanted criminal without a fight.

"You\'re right, Morgan. It does seem peculiar," Jonathan replied, his tone contemplative.

"You guys are just overthinking it," Harrison chimed in. "Don\'t worry, we will ensure Poul\'s safe return to our country, so you can sit back and relax and wait for him to come back." 

Jonathan and Morgan exchanged another glance, their concerns still lingering in the air. 

"I appreciate your reassurance, Mr. President," Jonathan spoke up, his voice measured. "However, given the gravity of Poul Nielsen\'s crimes and the implications they have on both our nations, it is imperative that we exercise caution. We cannot afford to be complacent in this matter." 

Morgan nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on President Harrison. "With all due respect, Mr. President, we must remain vigilant. We don\'t know what the British are planning on doing to Poul. Not to mention the fact that he is still on their soil." 

"I will issue a direct order to our marines stationed in London to ensure Poul Nielsen\'s safety during the handover process," President Harrison assured them. "We will coordinate closely with the British authorities to guarantee his well-being and secure his return to our jurisdiction. Does that ease your concerns?"

Jonathan and Morgan exchanged a brief glance, finding some comfort in the President\'s words. While their skepticism remained, they understood that the situation required a delicate balance between caution and trust.

"Thank you, Mr. President," Jonathan replied, his tone sincere. 

They stood up and shook hands with President Harrison.

As they left the Oval Office, Jonathan and Morgan retreated to a private room where they could discuss. The room was dimly lit, its atmosphere conducive to the secrecy and intensity of their conversation.

Jonathan paced back and forth, his mind racing with uncertainties. Morgan, on the other hand, sat at a table, watching him.

"Maybe the President was right, Jonathan, we might be overthinking it."

"No, we don\'t even know what the Crown Prince is capable of. What we all know is that he is obsessed with Penelope and that he would do everything for her. Imagine you are the Crown Prince whose fiance got taken by some random dude? How would you feel?" 

Morgan nodded, understanding Jonathan\'s point. "You\'re right. The Crown Prince\'s emotions must be running high, and that makes him unpredictable. We can\'t underestimate his determination to get Penelope back."

Jonathan paused in his pacing and turned to face Morgan, his expression serious. "Exactly. That\'s why we can\'t afford to let our guard down. Even if the British authorities hand over Poul Nielsen, there\'s no guarantee that the Crown Prince won\'t have a backup plan in motion."

"But what can we do at this point? We are literally thousands of miles away from London. Our job here is done, it\'s best that we put our trust in the President and his plan to ensure Poul Nielsen\'s safe return," Morgan said, concern evident in his voice.

Jonathan stopped pacing and locked eyes with Morgan, and clicked his tongue. "It\'s so frustrating to feel so powerless." 

"Truth be told, Jonathan. I still don\'t understand why you won\'t divulge information between Poul and Penelope\'s past. Maybe if you tell me, I would understand the gravity of the situation." 

"Sorry, Mr. Morgan. You can ask me anything but that," Jonathan replied firmly. His tone indicated that he wouldn\'t entertain any further questions on that particular matter.

Morgan sighed and leaned back in his chair, realizing that Jonathan\'s decision was final. He respected his boundaries, understanding that there were certain secrets that needed to remain hidden, even from someone as influential as Morgan himself.

"Alright, Jonathan," Morgan said, his voice tinged with acceptance. "I won\'t push any further on that matter. Just know that I trust your judgment, and I\'m here to support you in any way I can."

Jonathan nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Morgan\'s understanding. Despite the uncertainty that loomed over their current situation, their partnership had grown stronger, and their shared determination to bring Poul back remained unwavering.

"Now, it\'s a waiting game. What will you do? Your Highness?" Jonathan muttered under his breath.

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